frequently asked questions
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- Publishing
- Trial version
- Upload
- Visualization
Can I get reader stastistics from my ePapers?
For statistics, a tracking script must be attached to the publications. In practice, you receive a tracking script from your Google Analytics account or similar, which we add to your account settings. After this the tracking script appears in all new publications and stores data in your analytics tool. By updating your existing publications the tracking script can also be added to them, but of course statistics cannot be collected afterwards. Please contact us for further instructions.
Google's Consent Mode V2 became mandatory in Europe in March 2024, if you want to collect data with Google Analytics and Google Ads. With this, the use of Google Analytics now requires that Google Tag Manager is used for tracking, with GDPR and Consent Mode V2 compatible cookie approval included.
Google's Consent Mode V2 became mandatory in Europe in March 2024, if you want to collect data with Google Analytics and Google Ads. With this, the use of Google Analytics now requires that Google Tag Manager is used for tracking, with GDPR and Consent Mode V2 compatible cookie approval included.
How can I update my ePaper without changing the link?
On the "My ePapers" page you see all your active publications and can delete or update old ones. To update an ePaper, click on the Re-upload PDF icon on top of the ePaper thumbnail and select a PDF file from your computer. The contents of the new PDF file will replace the old contents of the ePaper and the link to the ePaper will remain unchanged. Note that depending on your browser you may need to clear your browser cache to instantly see the updated ePaper contents.
What does it mean that ePapers can be replaced as often as we like?
Our service plans are limited to a certain number of slots. In the Basic plan, the previous publication is always replaced and only the newest one is readable, but you can update the publication as often as you like. The Starter plan comes with 6 slots and the Business plan with 50 slots by default. If your plan is full, you won't be able to upload multiple PDFs, but you can free up a slot by deleting an old ePaper or you can upgrade your plan to increase the number of slots!
How do I reactivate my subscription if the automatic renewal payment fails?
The automatic renewal can fail if your credit card has expired or if there are issues with the online payment. In this case your subscription will be put on hold and has to be reactivated with the following steps:
- Log in to the service and go to your "My account" page
- Go to the "Payment methods" section and update your credit card information
- Then go to the "Orders" section and locate the failed order which should be first in the list
- Click on the Pay button next to the failed order
- Proceed to the checkout to confirm payment using your updated payment method
How do I create my own ePaper trial publication?
To create a free trial publication follow these easy steps:
- Fill in your email address to our website form.
- Upload your PDF file by dragging and dropping your PDF into the highlighted area. You can also click and select your file.
- Our server will upload and convert the PDF. Once it is ready you will receive a notification in your email with the link to your PDF.
- Done! Your ePaper is ready.
How do I create my public GalleryPage?
Once you have logged in to your account and made your first publication a link named "Create public GalleryPage" will appear at the top of your interface. When you click the link you will be asked to give a title to the page after which the page is created. When you have created your GalleryPage you can add ePapers to the GalleryPage through your "My ePapers" page. The link to your GalleryPage is always show in the menu for easy reference whenever changes are made.
How do I add publications to my GalleryPage?
The GalleryPage is maintained through your “My ePapers” page. On top of each ePaper you can see a GalleryPage button that controls the ePapers’ visibility on the GalleryPage. When the button is green the ePaper is visible on the page and when the button is grey it is not visible.
Is it possible to change the order of the publications on my GalleryPage?
The most recently added ePaper will always appear as first on the GalleryPage and the order in which they appear is controlled by the order they are added to the page. So if you want to keep an older ePaper as first even when newer ePapers are added this is possible with just two clicks. First you remove the concerned publication from the GalleryPage and then you add it again.
Can I have multiple GalleryPages for different publications?
Each Starter and Business plan can include a single GalleryPage. It is however possible to purchase multiple plans in case you need multiple GalleryPages. Please note that each plan is tied to a unique email address so you need multiple email addresses in order to manage several accounts and GalleryPages. You will also be charged separately for each plan.
What happens if I am running out of ePaper slots?
When the number of ePaper slots in your account is full, you cannot add new publications.
If it's possible for you to delete one of your current ePapers this frees up slots for new ePapers.
You can always purchase more slots by upgrading your plan or contacting our sales team here.
How is the viewer customization implemented in the SelfService plans?
ePaper viewer customizations can be requested for SelfService plans. Each customization has a delivery time of 1-3 working days and you will be notified by email when it has been activated. Once the customization has been activated it applies to all your upcoming ePapers.
Your existing ePapers will not be automatically updated with your customization. If you want to include your customization in your existing ePapers you need to remake them by uploading the PDF files again.
Why can’t I upload my PDF?
If you're having trouble with the upload of your PDF it might be that your PDF is too big or it does not fulfill the requirements of our website. Try with a smaller sized PDF file.
- Keep your file size below 500 Mb (for the trial version the limit is 25Mb).
- All pages should have same height and width. Example: all pages in A4 format and portrait orientation.
- Name the file well, the name becomes the link to the online publication. Avoid special characters and spaces in the filename. This is good: Brand-autumn-collection.pdf This is bad: Brand autumn*september. collection%version#3.pdf
How do I upgrade or cancel my active service plan?
- Log in to the service and go to your "My account" > "My Subscription" page.
- Locate your active service plan under the "Subscription totals" headline.
- Click on the "Modify service plan" button to upgrade your plan, or the "Cancel" button if you wish to cancel your subscription.
Is my data secure?
By using the MagNet e-Publishing upload service, you agree to store your publications on the MagNet e-Publishing cloud hosting and you can make your ePaper available online without need to host your own website. Our cloud service is very secure and meets general information security standards. We store all our customers' material carefully and use a secure connection for data transfers. We take utmost care in ensuring that your data is safe.
Is multimedia included?
If you include video, audio and web content as working hyperlinks in the original PDF they become available online in your ePaper publication.
You can find the tools to create hyperlinks in Adobe Acrobat and InDesign software or other similar software.
If the links don’t work in the PDF you submit, they will not work in the ePaper publication either.
For videos we recommend that you use a streaming service like YouTube or Vimeo, as this significantly cuts down on file size and load times for the user.
Can I add a table of contents to my ePaper publication?
Yes, by creating bookmarks in the PDF using Adobe Acrobat or InDesign software.
Each bookmark consists of a title and a page number that the title refers to. During the publishing process, the bookmarks are automatically imported and converted into a table of contents in the ePaper publication.
Make sure to test the bookmarks of your PDF before uploading it. If the bookmarks do not work in the PDF file, they will not work in the ePaper either.
Do you support multiple PDF upload?
We do not support multiple PDF upload. You need to upload your PDF documents one by one.
Why don’t I see anything about viewing or sharing limits?
Because there are no viewing or sharing limits! Share it, Tweet it – get it out there. The more people read your content the better your business will do. It is a win-win situation!
How many ePapers can I publish?
You are free to publish as many ePapers as you wish. Our service plans are only limited to a certain amount of simultaneous slots. The starter plan comes with 6 slots and the business plan with 50 slots by default.
If your plan is full you will not be able to upload another PDF but you can free up a slot by deleting an old ePaper or then you can upgrade your plan to add more slots!
Your free trial ePaper will last 48 hours, after that the publication is automatically deleted from our servers but you are free to make a new one.
Can I use the service to create ePapers for my clients?
Yes, you can. Once you purchase our plan you can create ePapers and publish them on your clients websites.
Can I publish the ePapers created by MagNet e-Publishing on more than one website?
Yes, you can link and embed your ePaper on many websites, newsletters and Social Media. Remember to remove the ePaper link from all websites when you delete the ePaper.
Do my readers need to install any software or other third-party software to view my ePapers?
No, they don’t. You publish the ePaper online and your readers can view it simply with their Internet browser by using the ePaper link we provide you. The ePapers are supported by all modern web browsers and do not require any additional plugins to be installed.
Is there a max number of pages an issue can have?
When you purchase our service plan there is no limit on the amount of pages. For the free trial your PDF should have maximum of 50 pages.
Is there a limitation on the number of pages, local publications or uploads?
For trial users :
- The size of your PDF must be below 25 Mb.
- The maximum amount of pages you can upload per PDF is 50.
- Your ePaper is available 2 days.
- The size of your PDF must be below 500 Mb.
- There is no restriction on the number of pages.
Can I create HTML5 based publications from Text/image/Word/PPT files?
Our ePaper is HTML5 based but we do not support other than PDF uploads. You need to export your document into the PDF format before uploading.
What is the maximum PDF size to upload?
Trial users:
Your PDF document should be maximum 25 Mb.
For Customers:
The size of your PDF must be below 500 Mb.
Are there any preferred specifications on the PDF file?
The optimized preferences on the PDF file are:
- All pages should have same height and width. Example: all pages in A4 format and portrait orientation.
- Crop marks and bleeds should be removed
- We recommend that your PDF file is at least 200 dpi in resolution.
- If your PDF is using photos, graphics or any other kind of images, make sure they are in high resolution. 200 to 300 dpi to avoid pixelation.
- Avoid adding crop marks to your PDF document, otherwise they will be visible.
- We recommend the use of big, sharp, readable font types or Web fonts. This will guarantee a clean and crisp look in your texts.
- In order to create a digital replica of your original content you must have the copyright of the original document.
How long can I use MagNet e-Publishing for free?
- You can try MagNet e-Publishing for free anytime.
- Please note that the free trial ePaper is time limited. The online publication as well as the original PDF file is deleted after 2 days.
- You can not have multiple trial ePapers at the same time unless specifically requested due to a problem with the initial trial ePaper.
My ePaper does not look good. Why is this happening?
Sometimes a PDF document is not optimized for ePaper use. To avoid this, please review these requirements:
- All pages should have same height and width. Example: all pages in A4 format and portrait orientation.
- Crop marks and bleeds should be removed
- We recommend that your PDF file is at least 200 dpi in resolution.
- If your PDF is using photos, graphics or any other kind of images, make sure they are in high resolution. 200 to 300 dpi to avoid pixelation.
- Avoid adding crop marks to your PDF document, otherwise they will be visible.
- We recommend the use of big, sharp, readable font types or Web fonts. This will guarantee a clean and crisp look in your texts.
- In order to create a digital replica of your original content you must have the copyright of the original document.
How does an upgrade affect the plan price?
When you upgrade, the billed price will be automatically calculated based on your previous payments and subscription period. In case of a cancellation, no refunds will be issued but you can keep using your plan for as long as you have payed for.
What does it mean that the ePapers are “SEO friendly”?
All ePapers created using our service are search engined optimized (SEO). This means that search engines like Google are able to index each page separately. Users searching for specific content will be presented with a link that takes them directly to the page that contains the topic they were looking for. In short, it means that the ePapers are more likely to be found by a wider audience and by people that are interested in the content you're providing.