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OUR PRODUCTS                                       HEMPSEED

Tastes soft and nutty. It is a source of healthy oil  Hempseed is a real superfood, as it contains proteins, omega fatty
and supplement for plant based protein palette.       acids, bran and minerals. It is easy to use because the seed can be
Ecologically produced and responsible choice from     added to almost any food. Flavour: crunchy, fibre-rich husk and
field to table. Oilseed hemp is a real superfood      soft, nutty interior. Hemp seed is a source of chlorophyll,
that is an ingredient for tasty products. Simply      gammalinolene acid (GLA 4 %) and stearidonic acid (SDA 2 %).
unique raw material.                                  Also available roasted. Gluten free.

All products are                                      DEHUSKED HEMPSEED
available both
conventional                                          Gently dehusked seed from whole hemp seed, which has a good
and organic.                                          nutty flavour. The peeling makes the nutrients digest more effecti-
                                                      vely in the body. Excellent for cooking and as a snack. Suitable for
                                                      cooking plant-based alternatives for dairy and meat products. Also
                                                      available roasted. Gluten free.

                                                      GERMINATED HEMPSEED

                                                      Crunchy and soft tasting seed which is germinated so that the
                                                      seed becomes active and the nutrients become easier to utilize.
                                                      The product is germinated just enough to get the seed activated.
                                                      Some of the seeds are a bit opened. After germination the flavour
                                                      of the seed becomes softer and crunchier. Also available roasted.
                                                      Gluten free.

                                                      HEMP BRAN

                                                      Hemp bran that is made from the hull of the hemp seed is very
                                                      rich in fiber. Fibre-rich bran brings a feeling of satiety but is
                                                      low-calorie. Hemp bran is suitable for granola, porridge, and other
                                                      fibre-rich mill products. Gluten free.
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