Page 106 - Lunawood-LookBook-0123
P. 106

Pecr Deep

The four-star Hotel Pecr Deep is located in     gantly covers the entire end wall. As a natural
the heart of the Pec pod Snezkou ski centre     wood material, it fits naturally into the scenic
at the foot of the highest mountain in the      environment. The combination of three
Czech Republic. Hotel Pecr Deep represents      tongue-groove panel sizes gives an interest-
one of the most modern hotels in the area.      ing and modern rhythm on the wall surface.
The hotel’s stunning architecture offers        The vertical layout of the cladding empha-
unique experience for all senses and sup-       sizes the building’s height and straight lines.
ports healthy living.                           Thanks to Lunawood’s dimensional stability
                                                and weather resistance, the modern design
   The facade of the building is finished with  of the facade remains beautiful for decades.
Lunawood Thermowood cladding, which ele-

     ARCHITECT	          Ing. Arch. Zdeněk Kozub

     LOCATION 	          The Czech Republic

     YEAR 	              2019

     FEATURED PRODUCT 	  Luna Panel System

     PHOTOS 	Lunawood

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