Page 44 - Lunawood-LookBook-0123
P. 44
Ca l’Amo
Ca l’Amo is located at the north end of the San The house has been organized in five
Mateo plain on the island of Ibiza – an area, fa- clearly differentiated volumes, generating
mous for its pronounced topography and fanned between them spaces of relation, services,
by stone walls that generate an iconic landscape visual connection with the outside, and
of the countryside of Ibiza. The intervention has ventilation. The length of the five volumes
been located taking advantage of the last of the is conditioned by the depth of the terrace
terraces, between two existing stone walls and on which the dwelling sits, which helps
on the border between the rugged part of the to integrate the intervention into the
plot and the flat and low area to the southwest. landscape.
ARCHITECT Marià Castelló Martínez
LOCATION Ibiza, Spain
YEAR 2017
FEATURED PRODUCT Lunawood battens on facade
PHOTOS Marià Castelló Martínez