Page 5 - Lunawood-LookBook-0123
P. 5
nature with
urban people
The story behind Lunawood ThermoWood®
The story of Lunawood got its spark in the 90s After more than twenty years, love for the
in northern Finland from the dream of two forest is still at the core of our DNA. Today,
brothers, Olavi and Aulis Kärkkäinen. Their idea Lunawood's modern mills in Finland modify the
was to produce a new, ecological and weath- renewable Nordic pine and spruce into beauti-
er-resistant wood product using only the power ful and long-lasting Lunawood ThermoWood®,
of heat and steam. The innovation would bring offering an ideal foundation for ecological and
a more responsible option to non-renewable healthy design, construction and living.
building materials and tropical hardwood which
was threatened by excessive logging. As the world continues to urbanize, our mis-
sion is to reconnect nature with people in the
After several years of persistent develop- urban environments. Together with architects,
ment, the industrial-scale ThermoWood® pro- builders, consumers and other similar minded,
cess was invented and the story of Lunawood we bring the calming effect of the forest to
began as the company was established at 2001. everyone.