Page 60 - Lunawood-LookBook-0123
P. 60
The Wind Hill
Designed by Doojin Hwang Architects, Wind Hill independently based on the client's needs
Village is located on Jeju, South Korea’s largest and site conditions.
island. The project creates a small village on the
hill overlooking the endless Pacific. The site is The architecture of the houses is united
blessed on all sides: the ocean in the south, a by the naturally grayed Lunawood Thermo-
rocky cliff in the west, an old village in the east, wood exterior cladding. The entire walls
and a volcanic hill in the north. Each unit has its and sloped roofs are clad in an open-joint,
own courtyard, and the village has a communal rain-screen system with Lunawood. The
space in the center for the residents. exterior cladding of the houses has been
given a modern look and an interesting
After creating two different prototypes for the rhythm by combining several Lunawood
houses, each of the six houses were designed profiles of different sizes.
ARCHITECT Doojin Hwang Architects
LOCATION Jeju Island, South-Korea
YEAR 2022
FEATURED PRODUCTS Luna SHP 42×42, Luna SHP 42×92, Luna SHP 42×140, Luna SHP 26×117
PHOTOS Lunawood