Page 92 - Lunawood-LookBook-0123
P. 92
Aurum, built for the Åbo Akademi University The coherent batten-look seamlessly inte-
and the the University of Turku, integrates into grates the whole and enables the unity of the
the culturally significant surroundings, espe- architecture and style throughout the building.
cially with its sustainable material choices. The Dimensionally stable Lunawood battens allow
design work for Aurum was guided by environ- long parallel lines and curved lines to continue
mental responsibility, and this was considered from outdoors into the seven-storey interior
in all design solutions. The chosen materials atrium space, as the same product can be
generate strong dialogue and contrast: silky and used for both purposes. For the installation
partly rugged concrete; transparent glass and indoors, the ends of the battens had to extend
natural Lunawood Thermowood. evenly, with a tolerance of only 2 mm for the
space between them.
Aurum’s entrance, which leads to the atrium
– the building’s heart and common lobby – is Indoors, the battens were left untreated
the eye-catching gem of the entire block. retaining the warm signature colour, the haptic
The façade uses similar white wall tiles to the feel and the natural fragrance of the wood. Out-
surrounding buildings but in a smaller size. In doors the battens were treated with a UV-pro-
contrast to that, the entrance uses Lunawood tected surface treatment agent to maintain the
Thermowood battens in an upward-curving brown colour.
shape that creates an impressive and natural
look to the space. Aurum’s design and implementation achieved
BREEAM environmental rating of Excellent.
ARCHITECT ARCO Architects, Piia Viitanen and Antti Hakala
LOCATION Turku, Finland
YEAR 2021
PHOTOS Lunawood, Wellu Hämäläinen