Page 98 - Lunawood-LookBook-0123
P. 98
Maxx Royal
Kemer Resort
The luxurious Maxx Royal Kemer Resort is sit- elements, which are used as sun shutters,
uated on the slopes of the enhancing Taurus, cladding and railings.
along the Mediterranean shore, fifty kilometers
from Antalya. The expansive property pays The wooden profiles, surrounding the build-
tribute to its captivating natural surroundings, ing like a thin layer of netting, are designed to
with its architecture inspired by the synergy define a new relationship with the dense flora.
of fire, earth, water and air. The dominant con- This significant amount of Lunawood Thermow-
struction elements that identify the character ood used makes Maxx Royal Kemer one of the
of the main building mass are the Lunawood biggest projects in the world with an entire
Thermowood facade.
ARCHITECT Baraka Architects
LOCATION Kemer, Turkey
YEAR 2014
PHOTOS Baraka Architects