Page 29 - MELLBY_MAGASIN_2021_EN
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Roxtec sees opportunities
in all directions
Roxtec performed strongly in line with the global recovery after the pancemic,
despite an uncertain start to the year and a market affected by material
shortages, high raw material prices and price increases from suppliers. Gradual
restarts in key markets in 2021 helped Roxtec’s sales to reach the two billion
mark once again. Aggressive new targets for 2025 were set during the year and
will be achieved with new products and a bigger workforce.
“The market has been really dynamic the whole year. We saw DIGITALISATION AND NEW LEGISLATION
early signs of an increase in demand in the Asian markets, Continued growth involves digitalisation and service. Roxtec needs
then things picked up in Europe, and the year ended with a to capture more business by identifying, gathering and presenting
strong spurt in North America.” product data and reinforcing its presence in more channels. Roxtec
Market movements resulted in Roxtec being more active in launched additional software in its digital product portfolio in
addressing challenges relating to suppliers and logistics during the 2021 so that customers themselves can keep track of installation,
year. The company also reviewed its pricing, which resulted in a inspection and documentation. Roxtec Transit Operate™ is a
number of new price adjustments. Software as a Service (SaaS) solution that allows all transits to be
recorded and surveyed while ensuring and documenting the quality
STABLE YET UNCERTAIN of the installations. Roxtec currently also offers its digital products
Roxtec supplies complete sealing strips to a wide range of industries Roxtec Transit Designer™ and Roxtec Transit Build™ for design and
for use on land, at sea and underground. Development for the Industry configuration applications.
& Infrastructure business area continued at a steady and stable pace
during the year, with an underlying expectation that the market will Roxtec also performs servicing with on-site inspections, but not
pick up again in 2022. many took place in 2021 on account of clear restrictions on visitors.
New legislation for maritime classification came into force in 2021 and
Power & Process Industries underwent a strong development in imposes additional requirements for inspections and documentation.
2021. China in particular made significant investments in offshore wind This paves the way for new opportunities for Roxtec, which is certified
power, with large orders month after month. Demand from the nuclear for the inspection of watertight cable transits on board ships and at
industry in the US remained strong, while oil and gas investments were offshore installations. Roxtec also offers software so that users can
significantly lower during the year. keep track of the current status and history of transits.
The cruise ship industry continued to present challenges. The SUSTAINABILITY PROVIDES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY
market for Marine & Offshore was unpredictable as German and Roxtec initiated more structured sustainability work in 2020. In a
Finnish manufacturers slowed down while customers in southern sustainable transition, Roxtec’s efforts mainly involve
Europe were working at full speed. “protecting life and property”. The company also does its best
to minimise its own footprint and identified clear targets for its
ROXTEC SETS NEW TARGETS FOR 2025 sustainability efforts during the year which aimed to increase
Sales over the last few years, in combination with the changes in the circularity and reduce carbon emissions. Examples include reusing
market, resulted in a new sales target for Roxtec. Sales are set to reach rubber instead of letting it go to waste.
SEK 3 billion by 2025.
“We’ve received our first rating from the EcoVadis evaluation system,
“Reaching over SEK 2 billion in sales in 2021 has put us within so we know exactly what’s happening with our sustainability efforts
touching distance of the sales record. We’re now planning to exceed right now. The next step will be to break down our work into activities
this by a long way in 2025.” and actions so that we can meet the targets. We have long-term
owners who don’t believe in cutting
To achieve this, Roxtec has to focus on three development areas: corners. They have every confidence
product development, customer experience and value-added services. in us and trust us to deal with this
Roxtec will be making major efforts to recruit staff for sales and transition in the right way ourselves.”
support functions, as well as development in 2022.
CEO Magnus Holmberg
“We can see opportunities for Roxtec in all directions, and we have to
really focus if we’re to achieve this target. We’re expecting to take on
90 new staff over the next year.”