P. 11


Rune Andersson founded Mellby Gård back in 1986 and was CEO                 The management was gradually expanded and the company now
           of the company until fall 2013. Johan Andersson then took on     has a slightly larger head office, although it is small in relation to the
           the role of CEO and under his leadership, the company has        size of the Group. A number of key employees have been added over
continued to grow stronger. The Group’s net sales have grown from SEK       the years and today, Mellby Gård has just over a dozen permanent
4,6 to 12,2 billion, with profitability following suit.                     employees.

  “I was about to turn 70 and thought it was time to step down,” says         “Mellby Gård is a slightly different family business in that we operate
Rune Andersson. “I called our three sons Gustav, Erik and Johan to a        in many different sectors and you have to respect the fact that it
meeting at the office at Ribersborg in Malmö. We agreed and still agree     takes time to learn about the companies,” explains Rune Andersson.
that the Group should be a family business. Selling or going public is     “To familiarize himself with their operations, Johan joined several
not an option. It was natural that Johan took over – there were no major    of their boards, as well as chairing Feralco and Cale. But it wasn’t
discussions about it.”                                                      feasible for him to be on all the boards, so it was important to create a
                                                                            professional team.”
  “I was looking forward to taking on the role of CEO and thought it
would be exciting,” says Johan Andersson. “Gustav and Erik run their           During the ten years that Johan Andersson has been CEO, Mellby
own businesses and had their hands full with those, so it was a smooth      Gård has made several important transactions. When Kappahl was
succession.”                                                                bought out of the stock market, the Group’s net sales almost doubled.
                                                                            In addition, Mellby Gård’s two industrial companies, Feralco and
   Johan Andersson had then worked for three years at Smarteyes, so         Roxtec, have continued to perform strongly and a major investment
the discussions about him taking over as CEO of Mellby Gård were well       has been made in AcadeMedia, which has performed very well
timed. He was ready for his next operational challenge.                     operationally. In the parking industry, an important structural deal
                                                                            was made when Mellby Gård co-created Flowbird by integrating Cale
  “I want to emphasize how extremely flattering it was to be asked,” he     with Parkeon.
says. “I’m honored that I was given the opportunity and proud that I
had the courage to take it. Besides the change of CEO, we did several         “I’m very happy with the balance we’ve created between our
other things, including appointing a professional board of directors.       verticals,” says Johan Andersson. “We’ve broadened our business in
Dad was appointed chairman and we three brothers and a couple of            a good way, and today Mellby Gård consists of about twice as many
external individuals were elected as board members.”                        companies as it did ten years ago.”

CREATED MELLBY GÅRD 2.0                                                     THE IMPORTANCE OF SAYING NO

With the change of CEO, the Group was restructured and reorganized.         And perhaps most importantly, what isn’t visible. All the investment
All operating companies were incorporated into Mellby Gård AB, and          proposals and external bids that Mellby Gård has turned down, where
the trotting horses, forestry and agriculture and Eriksberg – activities    the advantages of being a long-term family business really show.
that were more like passion projects and closely linked to the family –     Because unlike an investment fund, you can say no when things aren’t
were placed outside it. Today, Eriksberg is a commercial operation that     quite right and continue working instead on your existing companies,
is developing well in terms of both net sales and profitability.            as long as you think they can develop. This is the basis of Mellby
                                                                            Gård’s business logic.
  “My father had built a large group of companies, at that point
consisting of about ten companies with net sales of billions of Swedish       “Over the years, many operators have approached us with attractive
kronor, so I felt it was a huge responsibility,” says Johan Andersson. “I   offers, but we’ve consistently rejected them, with a few exceptions,”
was well aware of the Swedish expression ärva och fördärva (inherit         says Rune Andersson. “We’re very pleased that we stuck to our logic
and ruin) and put a great deal of pressure on myself. But I didn’t go       and turned down this type of deal.”
around thinking about it for too long – instead, I quickly decided to go
for it. You could say that we created Mellby Gård 2.0 and became a             Rune Andersson emphasizes that there is currently a good balance
family business.” He continues:                                             in the Group. Compared to ten years ago, the Group’s business is
                                                                            more evenly distributed across several different sectors, although
  “Dad had run the Group almost single-handedly. He had hired Sten          the industrial vertical still generates the largest share of total value
Libell, Anders Bülow and subsequently Rolf Andersson, and they ran          added. This balance offers many advantages, including currency
the business together. Dad always managed the Group in a professional       hedging that is naturally built in. Kappahl makes virtually all its
way, and with Mellby Gård 2.0, there was more structure. It wasn’t a        purchases of goods in dollars, which is largely offset by Roxtec’s equal
revolution, but rather an evolution.”                                       export sales in dollars.

   When Johan Andersson took over, Mellby Gård also started
employing a number of additional people at the Group’s head office.

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