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Strong commitment to
intensifying sustainability
With the aim of publishing its first Group-wide sustainability report
in spring 2026, Mellby Gård and its subsidiaries are working to put all
the necessary structures in place. The focus in 2023 was on conducting
a double materiality assessment.
Working and investing sustainably is fundamental to CHALLENGE OF DIVERSE PORTFOLIO OF COMPANIES
Mellby Gård. Its ownership philosophy – the Mellby
model – emphasizes long-term, responsible and active Both Anna Blom and Johan Sandberg emphasize the importance
ownership. Sustainability work has been conducted for a long time in of getting things done in good time and doing your homework –
the parent company, each subsidiary and the associated companies in especially as there is no established practice for the new reporting
the Group. With new reporting legislation from the EU setting clearer format. Moreover, the fact that EU legislation is not adapted to their
requirements and guidelines for everyone in the Group, 2023 was circumstances – as a group with a wide variety of businesses and
largely characterized by intensifying and structuring the work and sectors in their portfolio – poses an additional challenge.
building knowledge in the area.
“It’s obvious that an agricultural business and a financial undertaking
“Our priority has been to gain an overview and build knowledge, don’t have the same essential issues, although some overlapping ones
and we’ve really had to dig into the new regulations for sustainability do exist,” says Anna Blom. “It will be a challenge for us as Group parent
reporting,” says Johan Sandberg, Chief Financial Officer at Mellby Gård. to establish key issues and associated KPIs that suit both Mellby Gård
“There’s a lot that needs to be put in place for us to be able to report and our wide range of businesses. There are also additional questions
correctly. We’re not there yet, but we’re well on our way.” about how we should handle our associated companies in our reporting.
This is not yet entirely clear.”
“Just like all companies, we want to meet the legal requirements of
the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD),” says Anna ESTABLISHED SUSTAINABILITY COUNCIL
Blom, Group Controller at Mellby Gård. “That’s why during the year
we’ve started work on our double materiality assessment, in which At the beginning of the year, Mellby Gård set up a council with the aim
all companies have identified their most important issues. These of accelerating sustainability efforts throughout the Group. The council
will be compiled in spring 2024 and establish which will be the most currently consists of representatives from the Group, Roxtec, Feralco
significant sustainability issues in our Group. The assessment provides and Kappahl. They are among the larger companies that are already
us with answers regarding where we need to focus our efforts going well advanced in several areas of sustainability and have already
forward.” started to implement the CSRD in their own operations.