Page 40 - SKR-annual-report-2022-EN
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The illustrations for the Finnish Cultural Foundation’s
2022 Annual Report were made by visual artist Kati
Rapia, whose work extends across many artistic
spheres, including photography, collage and comics.

The annual report’s illustrations make references to
the world of cartography. “I have always loved maps,
and in this job, I wanted to play with the balance
between two- and three-dimensionality and between
the figurative and abstract. The idea behind the
illustrations may not be immediately evident: I wanted
to give readers the joy of realisation,” Rapia explains.

Rapia received the Finnish State Award for Comic Art
in 2018. The jury described her as an uncompromising,
distinctive and individual narrator and a master
of many pictorial forms of expression, who brings
the collage-like aesthetic of comic books into her
exhibitions, and whose comics provide insightful
observations of the world in both their storylines and
their visual appearance.

Rapia has held several private and group exhibitions
in Finland and abroad. She has also published several
books, most recently the graphic novel Voimia –
Tähtitieteilijän vaimon paluu (“Power – The Return of
the Astronomer’s Wife”, Teos 2022).

At the moment, Rapia is working with visual artist Ilona
Valkonen (Vieno Motors) on a photographic series
entitled Notes on the State of the World, which features
young residents of the shores of the Baltic Sea attired in
marine litter. She is also planning new collages.

To see some of Kati Rapia’s work, please visit
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