Page 12 - DFB-2023-Annual-Report-Low-Res
P. 12


Dublin Fire Brigade takes pride in its ability to provide  999/112 which is directed to the Eastern Region
an effective integrated Fire-EMS Rescue service. DFB       Communication Centre (ERCC).
continuously assesses the full spectrum of fire and
rescue risk that our communities can reasonably            Dublin Fire Brigade responds to all emergencies,
expect to encounter on a daily basis.                      including major incidents that might have an impact
                                                           on the community. To ensure that we can deliver a
In 2023 Dublin Fire Brigade handled 207,575                professional and assured service in the event of
emergency 999/112 calls. There were 80,916                 an emergency, we continue to conduct simulation
mobilisations of emergency medical services across         exercises in collaboration with other agencies
the four Local Authorities and 34,927 fire and rescue      including An Garda Síochána, National Ambulance
mobilisations.                                             Service, Health Service Executive, Irish Coastguard,
                                                           and Irish Defence Forces.
12 full-time and 2 retained fire stations, the Eastern
Region Communications Centre (ERCC), a nationally          In 2023, DFB also welcomed 84 new recruits into the
and internationally accredited Training Centre             operational ranks. The new recruits have taken up their
facility, a Fire Prevention/Enforcement Section, an        new positions alongside experienced Firefighters/
Administration Section and a Logistics Section are         Paramedics throughout the six districts and they will
all utilised by DFB to efficiently operate this service.   assist in providing emergency cover to Dublin City
We focus our fire prevention and protection efforts        and County, a region with a population of 1.46 million
on people who are most at risk from fires and we           (2022 Census) and covering an area of 921.7km².
help ensure that fire safety legislation is upheld.
DFB responds quickly with the appropriate weight           In October 2023 in support of international ‘Restart
of attack, skills, and equipment to deal with the          a Heart’ Day, DFB introduced an initiative which
event effectively when a member of the public calls        aligns with its dedication to proactive community

12  Bhriogáid Dóiteáin Bhaile Átha Cliath DUBLIN FIRE BRIGADE
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