Page 14 - DFB-2023-Annual-Report-Low-Res
P. 14


INCIDENT CLASS                Dublin City  Dún Laoghaire  Fingal  South Dublin  Grand
                                  1695         Rathdown                County   Total
Fires - Alarms                                             595                  3346
Fires - Commerical                                508       41        548        246
Fires - Domestic                                           193                  1066
Fires - Other                 135 22                        80           48      106
Fires - Small                                              653          193     2947
Fires - Vehicles              532 148                      175           12      734
Flooding                                                    18          611      120
Medical Service Intervention  86                            58          195      413
Road Traffic Collisions                                    549                  2415
Special Services              1375         308             318           19     1767
Grand Total                                               2680                  13160
                              312 52                                     55
No of Appliances Mobs                                                   578
to support incidents          67 16                                     231
                              158 142

                              1138         150

                              1041         177

                              6461         1529

                              17712        4002           6954    6259          34927

14                                         Bhriogáid Dóiteáin Bhaile Átha Cliath DUBLIN FIRE BRIGADE
   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19