Page 20 - DFB-2023-Annual-Report-Low-Res
P. 20


Dublin Fire Brigade conducts Pre-Incident Planning         combination of the two). While it is obvious that not
for premises by undergoing a risk categorisation and       all of these will need a comprehensive pre-incident
prioritisation procedure. Pre-Incident Plans are then      plan the new platform will allow building occupiers
crafted in advance of any incident, offering an overview   to submit risk critical information related to their
of the facility along with tabulated risk information,     premises which will inform the Brigade’s strategic
highlighting critical aspects for fire service response.   and tactical response. A systematic review and
Presently, Pre-Incident Plans are accessible for high-     prioritisation process has been developed based on
risk, complex, and prioritised premises across the four    information that is available from other sources, such
Local Authorities in the greater Dublin Region. Prior      as Ordnance Survey Ireland, Residential Tenancies
knowledge of these potential work environments is          Board and the Valuation Office, which will allow the
vital for enhancing firefighter safety and firefighting    prioritisation of sites for comprehensive Pre-Incident
effectiveness, referred to in the Fire Service as          Planning and other interventions. It is intended to
Operational Intelligence.                                  run a full-scale Pre-Incident Planning digitisation pilot
                                                           programme in DFB’s Charlie District (Phibsborough
Pre-Incident Planning involves gathering, managing,        and Blanchardstown Station areas) in 2024.
and presenting operational intelligence, or risk-critical
data, from pertinent sources concerning premises           Another development area on preparedness for
that may pose a hazard during emergencies. Dublin          emergency incidents is an innovative collaboration
Fire Brigade tactically selects premises in the Dublin     between DFB, DCC, DCU and an industry partner,
region for this process, with these plans proving          Bentley Systems, to examine the use of Digital Twin
invaluable to Fire Officers during fire or emergency       technology in the emergency response environment,
responses. This entails evaluating factors such as         with a particular focus on ensuring high levels of
Emergency Vehicle and Firefighter access, building         automation and data reuse in the creation of these
type, life risks, onsite hazards, hydrant and dry-riser    plans, as well as the end-user interface for interacting
locations, as well as passive and active fire safety       with this information.
systems, building management systems, and other
pertinent details.

In 2023 the OIU conducted a comprehensive review           1,400+ premises
of the Pre-Incident Planning process. A new digital
platform is currently under development which              fully digitsed pre-incident plans
allows for the current library of roughly 1,400
premises to be transferred, and fully digitise the pre-         44,000+ buildings
incident plans so that they can be utilised both for
operational and strategic decision-making. There is                Fire Safety Act applicable
an estimation of over 44,000 buildings in Dublin that
are Fire Safety Act applicable based on information
available via the postal database Geodirectory
(buildings that have at least one commercial address-
point, more than one residential address point, or a

20                                                         Bhriogáid Dóiteáin Bhaile Átha Cliath DUBLIN FIRE BRIGADE
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