Page 19 - DFB-2023-Annual-Report-Low-Res
P. 19


The processes by which key              Several projects are ongoing with respect to data analysis, again
operational and tactical information    very heavily dependent on the Data Governance and Data Capture
can be pushed into the hands of the     elements. Some of these are listed below;
incident commander continue to
be examined by the OIU. The focus       •	 Automation of Scheduled Reports – the creation of repeatable
is on accurate, relevant and timely           processes to create reports that are issued on a regular
information, with a tiered approach           basis ensures consistency across time, a standardised
where the key facts about a site and          understanding of what is being reported and frees up time
situation are presented immediately,          which can be directed at more value-adding activities.
along with the capability to perform
a deep dive into the information        •	 Data Visualisation – dashboards and visualisations to present
relevant to that site. A digital pre-         key management KPIs and metrics are being developed
incident planning platform which
will streamline and enhance the pre-    •	 A comprehensive data model has been formulated to
incident planning process is currently        integrate risk information, drawing from OSI and Geodirectory
being evaluated with an operational           sourced reference data. This holistic approach will establish a
pilot due to commence by mid 2024.            master dataset, providing Dublin Fire Brigade with a thorough
This aspect of the project is heavily         understanding of the built environment. This already supports
dependent on the Data Governance              the Area Risk Categorisation model and will eventually allow
and Data Capture elements.                    integration of all datasets used within the organisation.

                                        The OIU continues to support Senior Management on key strategic
                                        decisions and developments with analysis and document

ANNUAL REPORT 2023 Tuarascáil Bhliantúil 2023  19
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