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    LINNEA BJÖRNDAL                                          Our involvement | DANIR 2023

    says Linnéa of an average day at work.
       Linnéa enjoys combining working on her own

    and in the larger groups needed when it comes to
    arranging major sporting events. And arranging
    major and more inclusive events for athletes with
    intellectual disabilities – and becoming outstandingly
    good at doing so – is one of Linnéa’s goals for herself

    “	I’ve taken so many experiences
     with me from my time in South
     Africa. The deepest impression
     was made by the Zulu term ubuntu,
     which roughly translated means
     ‘I am because we are’.”

     – Linnéa Björndahl

    and Special Olympics Sweden going forward.               disabilities. These good examples inspire her to
       “Another goal is to increase awareness of Special     keep working, and to work even harder, on these
                                                             vital issues. Work that truly demonstrates that our
    Olympics Sweden, our brand and activities and the        welfare and success are dependent on caring about
    good we do, so we can attract more major partners        and supporting one another.
    such as Sigma,” says Linnéa.
                                                                                  Scan the QR code and
       One recurring theme when discussing the future                             see more of Linnéa
    with Linnéa is her desire to do work that changes                             at
    people’s lives for the better. She is passionate about
    other people’s wellbeing and, during her time with
    the organisation, she has seen many examples of
    how good activity and movement can improve
    the everyday lives of people with intellectual
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