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DANIR 2023 | Our involvement                                                                                   34

                                                      Offerdal Ski Club

                                                      Offerdal SK is the local club for the local people.
                                                      Established in 1961, the sports club currently has
                                                      some 500 members and arranges activities through-
                                                      out Offerdal Parish. With its motto “Lifelong skiing”,
                                                      the club promotes an active lifestyle and provides
                                                      local people with opportunities to participate in a
                                                      number of different sports.

                                                         Thanks to Danir’s support, the club can offer
                                                      talented youths the chance to compete at elite levels
                                                      and carve out a career in professional sports. The
                                                      club’s members have achieved notable results nation-
                                                      ally and internationally, making little Offerdal SK
                                                      something of a standout in Swedish skiing. A unique
                                                      achievement for a rural Swedish skiing club.

UWC Diljian College                                   ongoing work to make education a force for uniting
                                                      people, nations and cultures for a peaceful, socially
The United World College (UWC) movement was           sustainable future. The UWC network consists of 18
founded in 1962 on the belief that, when educated     schools and colleges around the world, from which
together, young people from different cultures and    over 60,000 students from 180 different countries
backgrounds would come to a mutual understanding      have graduated.
that might prevent future conflicts. UWC Dilijan
College in Armenia is part of this global movement’s

                                                      Offerdals Spelmanslag

                                                      Folk music collective Offerdals Spelmanslag was
                                                      formed in Ede in 1985 after founder Olle Simonsson
                                                      placed a notice seeking musicians to play at a local
                                                      festival. Since their well-received debut, the collec-
                                                      tive has performed their music all over the world,
                                                      from Jämtland to the USA, Russia, and South Africa.
                                                      More often than not though, they play around
                                                      Jämtland County and the neighbouring Norwegian
                                                      county of Trøndelag. Offerdals Spelmanslag also
                                                      awards an annual scholarship to a young person with
                                                      roots in Krokom Municipality who has demonstrated
                                                      talent as a singer, musician or in the arts and crafts.
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