Page 7 - Danir_Arsbok2023_ENG_DiPDF
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The power of a good example.
As 2023 draws to a close, it has been another year epicentre of the HIV/AIDS pandemic that was raging
of Putin’s horrific war of aggression against Ukraine. in southern Africa at the time. With great commit-
Putin hopes that a protracted war will cause us in ment, Star for Life has grown and now actively helps
the West to lose interest in the war, and subse- young people to believe in their dreams and their
quently reduce our commitment and aid to Ukraine. future in six countries. Uppstart Malmö was founded
We must not accept this, and we must continue to by Dan Olofsson and Luciano Astudillo. The aim
support Ukraine so they can expel the Russians from was to create new jobs in Malmö’s more vulnerable
their country. parts, such as by supporting existing entrepreneurs
in these areas to advance their growth, thereby
We have also seen the devastating impact of enabling them to employ more people.
Hamas' terrorist acts and the ensuing tragedies.
While I am writing this, the conflict continues, and FC Rosengård is a multifaceted football club that,
the immediate intervention of the international com- in addition to engaging 700 football-playing children
munity is essential to resolve the situation peacefully and young people in Malmö, runs labour market
and prevent further loss of life and suffering. projects that have helped hundreds enter the labour
market. They also run Football for Life in South
2023 is also a year in which interest rates and the Africa where they strengthen girls’ self-esteem
Swedish krona have been in focus. Many people are through football. In addition to all this, this unique
talking about a weaker economy and that we are football club involves itself in important issues such
in, or about to enter, a recession. We are naturally as gender equality and mental health.
also affected and have experienced weaker growth
during the year. But our subsidiaries have done a Our involvement in Special Olympics and the
good job of dealing with the challenges. In times like Hugo Foundation stems from my son having been
these, companies have opportunities to streamline born with a brain injury. And I have seen first-hand
their organisations and create favourable conditions how important physical activity is for him and others
to quickly bounce back when the economy picks up with an intellectual disability. Help and support are
again. Because it will. especially important for those who may not be able
to take the initiative themselves. Through Special
It is also a time when it is important to have a Olympics, we support School Days, which is a
long-term perspective in your involvements and sports day for adapted schools, where students get
provide support where needed. This applies to our opportunities to try different sports. Around 30
corporate commitments that have been hit hard by School Days are held annually, and since its launch in
the weaker economy, but also to our social involve- 2015, thousands of students have been able to try
ment. This is when our support is most needed. out sports.
In our 2023 Yearbook, we have therefore chosen to
focus on what we and our companies are doing to These are some examples of how we at Danir are
make the society in which we operate a little better. involved in our community. We strongly believe in
For us, this is a central element. We feel strongly the power of a good example, and we hope that our
about our involvements and often have a strong involvement inspires others to do something. We
personal commitment to the initiatives we support. are truly proud of the commitment within the Danir
Group that you can read about in this Yearbook.
Star for Life was founded by Christin and Dan
Olofsson in 2005 when they realised that the newly
opened Thanda Private Game Reserve was at the