Page 11 - Danir_Arsbok2023_ENG_DiPDF
P. 11


                                     CHRISTIN & DAN OLOFSSON

     From open arms to
  marine nature reserves,
and everything in between.

     The Danir Group is made up of people who show a great deal of care for
     each other. They care about their colleagues and their customers, as well
    as the world and society in which they live and work. Where does this care

       stem from? What is this social responsibility based on? To find out, we
      went to Malmö to have a chat with the longest-serving members of the

                             group, Christin and Dan Olofsson.

    They are both highly committed to these questions.       done. It comes naturally and it’s not something we
    Perhaps these values were established in their back-     think much about, it’s just the way it is.”
    ground and upbringing. Although they have roots at
    opposite ends of the country, they have similar expe-       A combination of hospitality, Jämtland, and Öster-
    riences of growing up in a warm and generous home.       len seems to be a great breeding ground for good
    In both their childhood homes, the door was always       values. And even though they don’t have a particular
    open, and on big holidays and festive occasions,         role model when it comes to taking care of employ-
    their families always invited someone who might not      ees and society at large, they have certainly been
    have a family of their own into their home.              influenced by seeing others selflessly contribute to a
                                                             better world.
       “In that sense, our upbringings were quite similar,”
    says Christin. “Our families always invited people          “You have much more respect for people who
    into our homes on Christmas Eve, especially people       help others without having a selfish reason – even
    who had no relatives. And that’s what we have also       if they do so in small ways,” says Dan about what
                                                             inspired him.
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