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DANIR 2023 | Our sub-groups  ANTIGONE MEDA

“	I’ll stay here for a long time and 	
	continue to work on making 		
	the island world-famous.”

When the regular general manager left a few               When the rainy season is over and the guests arrive,
years later, Antigone was the obvious choice as           Antigone and her colleagues are ready to give them
a successor.                                              an unforgettable stay. Despite the limitations of the
                                                          small island in terms of size, there are infinitely many
   Today, she is responsible for a staff of 45. There     activities to keep oneself busy.
are about 15-20 employees on the island depending
on the season and occupancy. It is important for             “I’m in many ways more of an artist and designer
Antigone to maintain a familial atmosphere among          than a hotel worker, which actually fits better when
the staff. Everyone should have the opportunity           working in such a unique and exclusive place like
to contribute ideas for the business, and when an         Thanda Island. There is a desire here to revolutionise
initiative is taken for a project, Antigone is there to   the idea of what a five-star luxury resort should be.
lend support.                                             And that requires more from the artist in me than
                                                          from the tourism worker,” says Antigone about the
   “I’ve always felt that I have the support of the       truly unique work she has and loves.
owners, that nothing is impossible, and you are
allowed to be creative and innovative,” Antigone             Antigone and her colleagues not only take care of
says about what it’s like to run a business within the
Danir Group.

   In the spring, when the rainy season arrives, much
of the time is devoted to maintenance, upgrades,
and repairs. And when only the ‘family’ is on-site, it’s
possible to build valuable relationships.

   “The rainy season becomes a natural pause in life
on this little island, and we get much-needed time to
review every little part of the business and see what
we can improve and what we can do to become
even more cohesive as a team and more unique,
exclusive, and sustainable as a travel destination,”
says Antigone about life on the island during the
rainy season.

                     Scan the QR code and
                     see more of Antigone
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