Page 86 - Danir_Arsbok2023_ENG_DiPDF
P. 86

DANIR 2023 | Our additional holdings                                                                            86


Sustainable energy for
    a cleaner future.

Cindrigo is a renewable energy company focused on       Our ambition is to grow our renewable energy busi-
building a high-capacity portfolio of clean baseload    ness in Europe, initially within geothermal energy but
power plants, including geothermal projects in Cen-     also by expanding into other sectors over time.
tral Europe. We are seeing ever-increasing demand
for clean energy. In addition to being carbon-neutral,     As a company, we strive to abide by our core
geothermal energy can provide twenty-four seven         values in everything we do: integrity and respect
baseload production at a time when this is in great     are fundamental, both with regard to the people
demand due to the need to rapidly phase out fossil      and communities we collaborate with and our
energy sources. Given soaring electricity prices,       planet. Sustainability and caring for the environ-
geothermal energy is expected to be in even greater     ment are key principles for us. Our objective is to be
demand. This energy resource offers significant         part of the solution to the environmental challenges
opportunities to increase production of clean,          facing humankind.
sustainable energy.
                                                           We care about our employees. Their health,
   During the year, we acquired licencing rights        safety and wellbeing are our highest priority.
for harvesting geothermal energy on approximately
5,000 hectares of land in Croatia, a country with          Transparency is also fundamental to our busi-
excellent conditions for geothermic electricity         ness. We communicate openly and honestly and
production.                                             are clear about our operations. This earns trust and
                                                        builds strong relationships with our stakeholders.
   To broaden our expertise and as a resource           We appreciate the support of all our stakeholders
for constructing approximately 16 plants with an        and we are determined to create meaningful value
electrical capacity of almost 100 MW, we have           through our undertakings.
acquired an Icelandic geothermal development and
consultancy company.                                    WEB

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