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81                                                            Our involvement | DANIR 2024


    For a more active
    and healthier life.

    Special Olympics Sweden is part of the Swedish            able networks and partnerships. As an example, this
    Parasports Federation, offering recreational and          year we organised a national conference on sports
    grassroots sports for individuals with intellectual       and health for individuals with intellectual disabilities
    disabilities. Our goal is to provide everyone, regard-    for the first time, with the aim of influencing policy
    less of ability, the chance to lead an active life. To    to secure targeted resources.
    achieve this, we organise regional, national, and
    international sports events. Additionally, we advoca-          “	Our goal is to provide everyone,
    te for the benefits of inclusion and support sports             regardless of ability, the chance
    clubs with both knowledge and the tools they need               to lead an active life.”
    to develop their programmes for these athletes. In
    Sweden, there are over 10,000 Special Olympics

    DRIVING DEVELOPMENT TOWARDS                               THE YEAR IN BRIEF
    LASTING CHANGE                                            This year has been eventful. We launched two new
    Entrepreneurship and long-term commitment are             networks, released a children’s book, and saw one of
    central to our mission. The former is crucial for dri-    our athletes, bowler Lisa Nordström Green, featured
    ving progress to meet current needs, while the latter     on Expressen’s 2024 Top 100 Women of the Year list.
    ensures that the changes we achieve are sustainable.
                                                                 We kicked off the year with the Special Olympics
       This year, we launched our Family Programme,           Winter Games in Östersund, where over 150 partici-
    aimed at parents and relatives of children with intel-    pants competed in three sports. Of these athletes, 25
    lectual disabilities. It has created a meeting place for  have been selected to represent Sweden at the Special
    families where sports are introduced as a fun, shared     Olympics World Winter Games in Turin next year.
    activity. We know that family involvement is essen-
    tial for children, youth, and adults with intellectual       When we launched the Family Programme, we orga-
    disabilities to discover the joy of sports.               nised two family camps, where families could meet,
                                                              engage in sports together, and share experiences.
       In our long-term efforts, strong partnerships are
    key. New sponsors have come on board, and existing           We continue with our School Days, which are very
    agreements have been extended, enabling continued         popular and there is great interest shown in these
    successful operations. The ongoing support of Sigma       sports days. This year, even more students from
    Group as our main sponsor is particularly important       special education schools had the opportunity to try
    for our future development. By continuing to invite       different sports with local sports clubs.
    businesses, the sports movement, municipalities,
    politicians, and civil society to events, we build valu-  WEB

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