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DANIR 2021 | Our sub-groups 10
Bold investments
and high ambitions
– our recipe for success.
Sigma Technology Group is a global technology they fall behind their competitors in their journeys
consulting company with operations throughout towards digitalisation. We thought right, and the
Sweden and also in Hungary, China, Norway, Germany, floodgates have opened on an extremely pent-up
and Ukraine and with global delivery to Europe, need for our services. Customers now realise that
the United States and China. We have expertise they must increase the pace of their activities and
and capabilities in software development, product work to make up for lost time. The new companies
information, embedded systems and digital solutions. also help us to create even more dynamism within the
Sigma Technology Group also offers cutting-edge organisation, claim new market shares and establish
expertise in the form of expert consultants, offshore ourselves in new industries. At the same time, our
delivery and development teams. existing operations continue to grow, and we have
signed several new, major framework agreements
AMBITIOUS INVESTMENT TOOK CARE with both existing and new customers.
With the pandemic and shutdowns, 2020 and parts THE COURAGE TO CHOOSE NEW PATHS
of 2021 were very unusual years that put an end to Maintaining the cohesion of a large, decentralised
many industries and caused our growth to falter; in group of many companies requires teamwork, com-
2020 it failed to surpass single digits. Nevertheless, mitment and openness from both management and
we remained convinced that the need for our services the board, as well as managers and employees. This
would grow again and that the decline was only helps us to make the most of the energy and drive
temporary and pandemic-related. Our customers’ that characterise and permeate entrepreneur-driven
need for digitalisation has already been established, companies. With our company structure, we can
and there is enormous development and a hunger for bring together leaders from both existing and new
increased digitalisation in all industries – from the businesses, from different backgrounds and indus-
public sector to manufacturing. But many custom- tries. This helps us to develop and see things more
ers also have lofty ambitions about starting their broadly. We dare to follow new paths and create
journeys towards electrification. That is why, in the an organisation that attracts many talented people,
spring of 2020 – in the midst of an ongoing pandemic which ultimately makes us more competitive.
– we made the decision to invest heavily in the next
wave of digitalisation and software development. We GROUP CEO
then established nine new companies to significantly
expand our delivery capacity, during a time in which Carl Vikingsson
most of our competitors were surprisingly inactive. +46 706-01 19 00
Our conviction was that at the turn of the year
2020/21, customers would have to launch an WEB
inevitable restart and increase their budgets, lest