Page 16 - Danir_Arsbok_2021_ENG
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DANIR 2021 | Our sub-groups                                                                                    14


    The expansion continues.
    Next stop, outer space.

Sigma Connectivity is a global tech house that         products to their product development. To stay
     uses innovative connected solutions and devices   competitive in the satellite market, they knew they
to create value and growth that set both us and our    had to make smaller, lighter, cheaper and faster
clients apart and contribute to their journey towards  products in higher volumes. Their willingness to
digitalisation.                                        “think different” meant that we could merge two
                                                       different types of expertise and thus create a
   Since our founding in 2013, we have grown from      completely novel approach to developing new space
180 employees to over 600, and we now operate in       technology. The result exceeded expectations, with
twelve locations all over the world.                   an increased rate of innovation, faster development
                                                       times, a 97% reduction in cost and assembly times
   No industry is too complex to connect. We have      that were slashed from days to hours.
successfully delivered thousands of projects in the
areas of IoT, consumer products, MedTech, Clean-       BETTER WORKPLACE SAFETY
Tech and production technology. The common factor      FOR INDUSTRY 4.0
in all these projects is that they are all connected,  Mobilaris became the first company to develop a
small and boundary-pushing - and introduce new         commercially available product using the cellular IoT
technology to established areas.                       reference design Ardesco, developed by Ericsson and
                                                       Sigma Connectivity. Mobilaris Companion is a mobile
WE’RE READY TO LEAD THE 5G REVOLUTION                  IoT device with secure, high-quality and sustainable
For the past four years, we have worked and invest-    asset tracking. The multifunction tag collects inform-
ed intensively in 5G technology, and this year we      ation and positioning data in real-time using IoT
reached an important milestone. We have signed an      technology such as 5G and UWB. The data is shared
agreement with Qualcomm that gives us access to        in real-time, enabling a user equipped with the small
their latest 5G IoT technology, chips and software.    device to respond instantly, significantly improving
This deal, in combination with the extensive invest-   the safety of industrial workplaces.
ments made in both our 5G labs and our development
teams, means that we’re ready to lead the 5G revo-     GROUP CEO
lution forward. During the year, we plan to develop
the world’s first 5G IoT proof-of-concept. Proof of    Björn Lundqvist
concepts are platforms or prototypes that can be       +46 705-17 25 58
used in several areas and that become the basis for
a product that is later customized depending on the
client's wishes and needs.                             WEB

This year we started a collaboration with one of the
leading space technology companies in Europe. We
contributed our experience and expertise in consumer
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