Page 11 - Danir_Arsbok_2022_ENG
P. 11


   Most of Sigma Software’s customers have been            with Ukrainian refugees in need of accommodation.
   extremely supportive. They were impressed by how        Sigma Software’s developers built the platform while
   well the contingency plan worked. No projects were      maintaining their other customer commitments. All
   suspended or postponed. The company’s customers         to support and help their compatriots who have been
   and partners constantly showed great concern for        forced to flee their homes.
   the safety of its employees and helped those who
   moved abroad find housing. Many were also involved         “When you’re faced with an existential war of
   in donating money to support the Ukrainian people       this nature and magnitude in the 2000s, you have
   and army.                                               to somehow adapt. Despite tremendous stress,
                                                           countless dashed fates and innocent victims, there
      “We have received tremendous support from our        is a satisfying sense of unity among everyone in the
   customers, and since we have managed to maintain        country. People are showing such openness and
   our schedules and deliveries throughout this period,    willingness to help each other, to fight for freedom,
   they continue to express their admiration that we       dignity and independence. It’s also great to have
   are able to focus on our work no matter what,” says     the palpable support of the majority of the world’s
   Oleksiy, describing the relationship with customers     countries. It’s hugely heartening and it makes us feel
   since the outbreak of the war.                          that we are not alone in this fight and that we are
                                                           doing something important for the whole world,” says
      96% of Sigma Software’s 1,900 Ukrainian employ-      Oleksiy, when asked to share his personal reflections
   ees are now back to working full-time. Incredibly,      on the situation.
   they have managed to increase their assignments and
   now need to recruit more people to their organi-           Unfortunately, it seems unlikely that the war in
   sation. The Ukrainian will and drive is unbeatable.     Ukraine will reach a peaceful solution in the near
   Their refusal to waver or give up, even in the face of  future. And our colleagues in Ukraine will continue
   an invasion by a seemingly overpowering enemy, is       to need their drive and willpower to cope with life in
   nothing short of impressive.                            a time of war. And while we all want a quick solution,
                                                           we can learn from their example of how vital it is
      “We are now continuing to work to ensure the         to have a careful plan, meticulous preparation and
   safety of our employees, provide stable deliveries to   exceptional drive.
   our customers, foster the continued growth of our
   company’s business, and thus contribute to Ukraine’s    Oleksiy Syrotyuk at Sigma Software in Kyiv.
   economy. And as always, we will continue to give
   the Ukrainian armed forces our constant support,”
   concludes Oleksiy of the plans for next year.

      Evgeniy echoes his colleague’s resolve and has
   set a goal for next year: Win the war. Build up the
   country. And increase Sigma Software’s business by
   25%. The determination and drive of these software
   heroes is truly unique.

      There are also other forces within Danir that have
   jumped into action and supported Ukraine and its
   people. Appeal Ukraine (Upprop Ukraina) is an initi-
   ative conducted in collaboration with the Ukrainian
   Embassy which has, so far, raised more than SEK 19
   million together with the Swedish business community.
   The Swedes for Ukraine platform is a web solution
   that got up and running in record time. It connects
   Swedish families who are willing to share their homes
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