Page 13 - Danir_Arsbok_2022_ENG
P. 13


                                                      DANIR’S COMMERCIAL OPERATIONS IN 25 COUNTRIES

    REVENUE 2018-2022               MSEK (MUSD)       MSEK (MUSD)                 2022   2021

                                             12,600   Revenue                   12,600   9,720
                                             (1,210)                            (1,212)  (935)
                                                      Growth rate, %
                              9,720                   (Organic growth rate)        30      46
                              (943)                                               (27)    (22)
                                                      Operating profit for
    5,550  6,340       6,670                          our consulting business*   1,080    762
    (536)  (612)       (644)                                                     (104)    (73)
                                                      Operating profit for
    2018   2019        2020   2021  2022              the Danir Group             830     646
                                                                                  (80)    (62)
                                                      Profit after taxes
                                                                                  670     571
                                                                                  (64)    (55)

                                                      *Our consulting business include Sigma, Nexer, A Society, PION and Aptio.
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