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CHAPTER 3 | Danir GHG inventory report 2023                                                                             9

Figure 2. Inventory boundaries for categories included in Danir’s 2023 GHG inventory

SCOPE 3 - Indirect                           SCOPE 2 - Indirect emissions             SCOPE 3 - Indirect
emissions upstream                                                                    emissions downstream
                                                   Purchased electricity,
3  Fuel and energy-                                district heating and                     Downstream
   related activities                              district cooling                    9 transportation

                                                                                            and distribution

   Purchased goods 	                         SCOPE 1 - Direct emissions               10  Processing of sold 		
   and services                                                                           products

2 Capital goods                                                                       11  Use of sold
                                                                                                                    Categories excluded since
5  Waste generated 		                                                                                               Danir do not lease assets or
   in operations                                                                                                    have franchises. Investments
                                                                                                                    are excluded due to difficulties
                                                                                      12  End-of-life treatment 		  collecting data and it is a small
                                                                                          of sold products          impact category.
6 Business travel

7 Employee commuting                                                                  13  Downstream leased 		

8 Leased assets

                                                                                      14 Franchises

     Upstream                                Category excluded due to it being        15 Investments
4 transportation                             a very small impact category.

     and distribution

3.3 Data collection methodology for Scopes 1 and 2

Scope 1 includes the direct greenhouse gas emissions arising from sources owned by Danir Group, according
to the operational control approach applied for the GHG inventory. Direct emissions included in Scope 1 come
from company-controlled vehicles, such as company owned or leased cars, and from refrigerant leakage
(R407C and R404A). Due to difficulties in collecting data for leased cars, some emissions from usage of private
cars during business related activities have been included in Scope 1 instead of Scope 3.

Scope 2 includes indirect emissions generated through the production of purchased energy, such as
electricity, steam, heating, and cooling. Electricity used for electric cars for business travel are included in Scope
2, as per the GHG Protocol. The emissions from purchased electricity were calculated according to two
allocation methods: the location-based method and the market-based method. In cases where company-specific
data on purchased energy was not accessible, representative numbers for average consumption of electricity,
district heating and district cooling per square meter for an office building were used.

Data and emission factors have been collected from Ember, Energimarknadsinspektionen [The Swedish Energy
Markets Inspectorate], IVL (Swedish Environmental Research Institute), AIB, IEA and Vattenfall, Nordic Energy
Research (NER), Energiföretagen [Swedenergy], Boverket and Defra.
   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14