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12                                                                                          Danir GHG inventory report 2023 | CHAPTER 3

    PURCHASED ENERGY         EXAMPLE OF EMISSION FACTORS                                    SOURCE
                             – SWEDEN [G CO2-EQ/KWH]
                                                                                            (Energimarknadsinspektionen, 2022;
    Normal electricity mix   0.043                                                          IVL, 2022)
    District heating         5.6                                                            (Energiföretagen, 2023)
    District cooling         0.0
                                                                                            (Tekniska verken, 2024)

    Table 4. Example of emission factors for fuel and energy-related activities in Sweden.

    This category relates to management of waste generated from the company’s own operations and includes
    typical office waste. Emissions are based on an average of typical office waste per employee. Data for non-
    typical office waste has been collected and analysed, but emissions were so low that they have not been
    deemed necessary to be included.

    This category includes all journeys made for business purposes with flights, rental cars, private cars, trains,
    buses, ferries, and taxis. It does not include travel with leased cars or private cars that falls within Scope 1 or
    2 as that has already been accounted for. Data on hotel stays has been collected for 2023. In addition to the
    sources listed below, Defra has been used for emission factors for international business travel. Table 5 shows
    examples of some of the emissions factors for means of transport in Sweden in g CO2-eq/pkm. A comprehensive
    list is omitted due to the extensive range of emissions factors used.

    MEANS OF TRANSPORT       EXAMPLE OF EMISSION FACTORS                                    SOURCE
                             – SWEDEN [G CO2-EQ/PKM]
    Gasoline vehicle         172.9                                                          (Energimyndigheten, 2023)
    Diesel vehicle           153.5                                                          (Energimyndigheten, 2023)
    Hybrid-gasoline vehicle  65.7                                                           (Energimyndigheten, 2023)
    Hybrid-diesel vehicle    71.4                                                           (Energimyndigheten, 2023)
    Electric vehicle         8.7                                                            (Energimyndigheten, 2023)
    Train                    0.424                                                          (SJ, 2024)
    Flight- domestic         273.6                                                          (NTM, 2024)
    Bus                      80                                                             (NTM, 2024)
    Taxi                     170                                                            (Taxi Stockholm, 2022)

    Table 5. Example of emission factors for business travel in Sweden.
   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17