Page 12 - Lunawood-LookBook-0123
P. 12

Casa A

Privacy and altimetry are the focus points in        The main volume is cladded with
Casa A by REM’A arquitectos. The extracellular    Lunawood Thermowood, assembled in a
voids encompass the exterior areas, increasing    slanted order, nestling the private area in
the space and views. The domestic voids encir-    durable and sustainable exterior cladding.
cle the interior and private space.
                                                     The gray color of the naturally aged
   The volume of the higher level in this design  Thermowood, will meet over time with the
has a geometrical entrance, designated by a       base of the project.
triangular frame.

    ARCHITECT 	                                   REM’A arquitectos

    LOCATION 	Portugal

    YEAR 	2016

    FEATURED PRODUCT 	                            Lunawood cladding

    PHOTOS 	                                      REM’A arquitectos

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