Page 16 - Lunawood-LookBook-0123
P. 16

Casa Dos

Casa dos Profesores arises from a small project     tecture and that there are other ways of creating
of single-family housing, which seeks to unify      new identities; relying on traditional building
the traditional identity of the past with the con-  methods and using traditional materials with
temporary image of the present, all through the     modern applications.
generation of pure primitive volumes and natu-
ral materiality. The house is located on a plot of     The house is characterized by four volumes
land surrounded by newly rebuilt single-family      with gabled roofs and a unified wooden enve-
houses, farmland and large trees, in an environ-    lope featuring Lunawood ThermoWood®. The
ment between the natural and the “neorural”.        clean-cut façade with Luna UTV 19×117 panel
                                                    seeks lightness and timelessness. The cladding
   The architecture of Casa dos Profesores          is treated with semi-transparent paint to main-
shows a new way of understanding rural archi-       tain the brown color.

    ARCHITECT 	          Arqxé Arquitectos
    LOCATION 	           A Guillarei en Tui (Pontevedra)
    YEAR 	               2021
    FEATURED PRODUCTS 	  Luna UTV 19×117
    PHOTOS 	             Iván Casal Nieto

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