Page 28 - Lunawood-LookBook-0123
P. 28
Munkevilla started with a vision of sustainable light conditions, making the house blend
architecture that respects nature and offers a into the landscape. Concrete walls in the
pure life quality. The private house is located in front and the floating balcony minimize
Norway and inspired by the beautiful scenery of the footprint of the house towards the
Herøy, Norway where it reacts to the surround- seaside to keep the coastline as natural
ings on its unique property. The ensemble of the as possible. Naturally, local vegetation
roofs reflects the surrounding mountains. Three defines the area from the level of the first
of four are green sedum roofs, giving back to floor down to sea level.
nature what was taken from it.
The three terraces are placed on
The building is covered with naturally weath- different sides of the house to catch the
ered Lunawood ThermoWood® cladding, which sun the whole day and to offer a windless
is changing its look according to weather and spot to enjoy the views.
ARCHITECT Janine Müller
YEAR 2019
FEATURED PRODUCT Lunawood Cladding
PHOTOS Janine Müller