Page 32 - Lunawood-LookBook-0123
P. 32
Project Ö
Project Ö is located on a private island in the individual spaces have been designed to be as
Finnish archipelago. The island was bought by a compact as they can without compromising the
husband and wife - with the intention of design- functionality and comfort.
ing and building together a unique place from
scratch for themselves, far from the hustle and The couple’s aim was to find a visually and
bustle of the city. The search for a suitable island functionally suitable wood material for the exte-
took five years. rior claddings, terraces, and interior to achieve
the perfect outcome. The absolute requirement
The shape of the cabins is long and narrow, was that the exterior materials withstand the
which allows for large window surfaces with harsh weather and respect the modern and
varying views, as well as possibilities for very minimalistic design. A modern twist was wanted
different types of functions at the opposite ends for the exterior cladding of the cabins, so the
of the building. The couple’s aim was to have all vertical exterior cladding was implemented by
things necessary with as little space as possi- combining three Luna Panel System profiles of
ble. The two buildings are just 70m² in total. All different sizes.
ARCHITECT Aleksi Hautamäki
LOCATION Skjulskäret, Finland
YEAR 2019
FEATURED PRODUCT Luna Panel System cladding, Luna SHP Profix 3 40×185 decking
PHOTOS Archmospheres