Page 67 - MELLBY_MAGASIN_2021_EN
P. 67


How Mellby Gård
     was built

Mellby Gård AB was founded as an agricultural company                         “The market was moving towards more international customers, and
               in 1986 when Rune Andersson took over Mellby Gård            we couldn’t give them a full service because we only had a presence in
               farm, a few kilometres to the north-east of Sösdala in the   Sweden. So we made the decision to sell the company to Office Depot,
 municipality of Hässleholm.                                                one of the world’s biggest stakeholders in that market.”

   “We started up a separate company to run the farm: this is the              Mellby Gård hasn’t really performed any kind of active analysis into
 actual, original Mellby Gård AB. Nothing dramatic happened within          what kind of companies it wanted to take over. Most of its acquisitions
 the company over the next three years, except for the continuation of      have largely been coincidental.
 agricultural activities, which were based on both animals and grain.”
                                                                              “Most commonly, somebody has got in touch with me. I was
    Rune Andersson bought Getinge AB with Carl Bennet in 1989.              contacted either by people who wanted to start from scratch – like in
                                                                            the case of Feralco, for example, when a former manager at Kemira got
 CO-OWNER OF ANDERSSON & BENNET                                             in touch with me – or when a new owner or co-owner was needed, like
“The transaction was conducted by the newly formed company                  when the Johansson family got in touch when they wanted to buy out
 Andersson & Bennet AB. Mellby Gård AB owned half the company,              Älvsbyhus.”
 while Carl owned the other half. After that, the two of us worked
 together at Andersson & Bennet AB, and we took over a number of            IF ONE SECTOR IS AFFECTED, THEN SO IS EVERYBODY
 companies and their subsidiaries over an eight-year period.”               “In my experience of the business community, I found out that if
                                                                            one sector is adversely affected, so all companies in that sector are
    The company bought half of Älvsbyhus, for instance, and the             usually affected as well. That’s why it’s been vital not to have too many
Johansson family owned the other half. It also bought out Söderberg         companies working in the same sector. Holdings shouldn’t co-vary
 & Haak, two companies that still form part of Mellby Gård. Bewator         in the economic cycle, and now I look back I can see we’ve actually
 and Svanströms were two other companies that were taken over by            managed that balance well.
 Andersson & Bennet.
                                                                              “It’s also crucial to strike a balance between companies that import
   “Andersson & Bennet grew nicely until 1997, when Carl Bennet             and companies that export. I decided early on to focus on operating
 wanted to leave the operational work at Getinge to focus on his            companies, primarily industrial companies, and one or more trading
 chairmanship. We decided together to split Andersson & Bennet              companies such as Söderberg & Haak to act as a counterweight. Then
 between us and had all our holdings valued. To put it simply, Carl was     came Kappahl, which has grown to become one of our biggest holdings.
 given all the shares in Getinge AB, while Mellby Gård got everything
 else.”                                                                       “Our aim is to own over 90% of our companies, if we can afford it, at
                                                                            least we’d like to be the majority owner. When it comes to corporate
    Mellby Gård took on sole responsibility for a number of companies       governance, Mellby Gård’s principle is always to want the chair, and
 as a result and needed to build up its own administration. Monika          sometimes to have an additional seat on the board as well.”
 Olsson had already been taken on, and Sten Libell and Rolf Andersson
– who were both employed by Andersson & Bennet – joined her at             A SUCCESSFUL GENERATIONAL SHIFT
 Mellby Gård. Anders Bülow was taken on a few years later, and he went      “The generational shift at Mellby Gård began in 2013, when Johan took
 on to become a key person in the further development of Mellby Gård.       over the role of CEO. That’s when the management team I was working
                                                                            with also began to wind down, and now Johan has built up a new team
 START ANEW OR TAKE OVER FOR PERPETUAL                                      of people of his own generation. I think Johan has coped brilliantly
 OWNERSHIP                                                                  with the generational shift!
 Since then, Mellby Gård has gone on taking over or starting new
 companies with its sights set on one of Rune’s most important building       “As regards the future, Mellby Gård will have no debts as of the end
 blocks: owning and running the companies so that they can go on            of the year despite investing rather intensively for a number of years.
 being developed further.                                                   We’ve also sold Flowbird which means that we’ll have plenty to spend
                                                                            on for various types of investments. I think this gives us a sense of
   “We’ve managed to work according to the principle of perpetual           reassurance in these troubled times.
 ownership, with just a few exceptions. There have always been specific,
 structural reasons for our decisions on the few occasions when we’ve         “First off, we’ll be making investments in our subsidiaries and then
 sold companies. We don’t normally sell to financial investors or private   making new investments in Mellby Gård, which is a much bigger and
 equity firms, but to industrial investors who are taking over a business   strategic issue. And an unexpected opportunity may crop up tomorrow
 with a view to growing it.”                                               – as has been the case throughout all the years of Mellby Gård – and we
                                                                            need to be on our toes and assess quickly whether the opportunity is
    One example of this is the office equipment company Svanströms,         attractive to us and whether we should act on it.”
 which Mellby Gård owned and run for around 14 years and sold in 2011.

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