Page 65 - MELLBY_MAGASIN_2021_EN
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  For better economic and

 political decision-making

    The idea for the Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum came about from a
     discussion about the ability for researchers to share knowledge with
politicians and decision-makers. This idea became reality in 1994, and since
 then the Entrepreneurship Forum has gone on conducting policy-relevant
    research and ensure its popularisation and distribution. Johan Eklund,
Professor at Blekinge Institute of Technology, has been the CEO of the forum

                                             since 2015.

“I’m from a research background myself, I’m a professor of                       very wrong when we have both a labour shortage and a high level of
             economics. But what really spurs me is ensuring that research       unemployment. We particularly need to come up with new ways of
             is of benefit to society, politicians and decision-makers. This is  supporting the growing group of people who are currently far from the
    why the Entrepreneurship Forum is so vital – we provide a link between       labour market so as to reduce economic exclusion among individuals
    researchers, society, the business community and politics.”                  in this group.”
       There are three main areas for the forum’s activities. It initiates,
    conducts and communicates research relevant to policy regarding              RESEARCH INTO SWEDEN’S COMPETITIVENESS
    entrepreneurship, innovation, running small businesses, renewal and          Now that the pandemic is almost over, Johan Eklund is looking forward
    growth; it runs a unique network involving academia, politics and            to tackling some new issues and taking on research in relevant fields
    the business community; and it shares knowledge so that informed             that have been overshadowed over the last couple of years.
    decisions can be made.
       The aim is to be the leading national venue for knowledge-sharing           “It’s clear to me that we’ll be able to alter our focus now that we’re
    for decision-makers, researchers and formers of opinion on economic          returning to a more normal routine. Of course, it’ll be wonderful to
    policy issues linked with aspects such as entrepreneurship and               see whether our efforts on self-sufficiency issues will continue to
    innovation.                                                                  have an impact on the political debate, but it’s also great to see we’re
      “For us, the most important thing is to ensure that the research           broadening our perspectives and are able to consider the long-term
    we conduct is of use to society. One example is our work related to          renewal capability and competitiveness of the Swedish economy.
    exclusion in the labour market and self-sufficiency issues, where we         There’s also the impact of recent geopolitical issues and security
    can now see – ahead of the 2022 elections – that a number of political       policies to look at, and how these affect the Swedish economy.
    parties have taken on board our research and proposals and are using
    them for policymaking. It’s brilliant to see our work having that kind of      “What’s more, I’m very much looking forward to having fewer digital
    specific impact.”                                                            meetings and seeing all my colleagues and partners in person again.”

    EMPHASIS ON THE LABOUR MARKET                                                   Mellby Gård is one of a number of partners to the Entrepreneurship
    2021 has been an unusual year for the Entrepreneurship Forum, as             Forum, and has been for many years. Johan can see lots of advantages
    for many others. Much of their research has focused on how to get            in the Andersson family being part of the forum.
    Sweden restarted in the wake of the pandemic, with emphasis on
    increasing the competitiveness of our economy. A number of reports             “The discussions about social issues with Mellby Gård, through Rune
    on this issue have been published during the year.                           and Johan, are really crucial for researchers. This provides us with an
                                                                                 indication of which issues are of relevance to the business community.
      “We have a major matching problem in the Swedish labour market             They’re always dedicated, well-informed and interested, and the
    at present, and it is clear that permanent unemployment will remain          discussions we’ve held generally result in specific issues that we can
    relatively high even after the pandemic, unless we act. Something is         take forward – regarding the functioning of the labour market and
                                                                                 exclusion from the labour market, for example.”

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