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Roxtec’s explicit focus on growth has a major influence on its                the global logistics function can develop in line with the company’s
           internal corporate culture – a spirit that the company is keen to  growth. This is a major investment, and the new center is expected to
           maintain and develop. All employees are committed and know         be operational in fall 2025.
exactly where the company is at in relation to its budget and targets.
                                                                                 Roxtec also expanded its distributor network in key markets in 2023.
  “It was a nail-biter right up until the end, but we managed to reach        Contracts were signed for Thailand, for example.
the target of three billion Swedish kronor in net sales – a year earlier
than expected,” says Magnus Holmberg, CEO of Roxtec.                            “With the new agreement in Thailand, our ambition is to expand
                                                                              mainly in offshore, oil and gas and marine in Southeast Asia,” says
NORTH AMERICA AND ASIA DRIVING BUSINESS                                       Magnus Holmberg.

Roxtec produces customizable sealing modules for cable and pipe                  Roxtec has been present in the US market for more than 25 years,
transits. The transits are designed for environments with multiple            and the company inaugurated its new head office in Tulsa, Oklahoma in
exacting performance requirements – on land, at sea and underground.          April. This now houses manufacturing, storage and logistics. The new
Through its own subsidiaries and distributors, Roxtec makes sales             premises helps ensure that the company’s presence on the other side
in 80 markets today. The company is organized into three business             of the Atlantic is more firmly rooted.
areas: Marine & Offshore, Power & Process Industries and Industry &
Infrastructure. This enables it to deal with customers in sectors such        DRIVEN BY DIGITALIZATION AND SUSTAINABILITY
as energy, infrastructure and research, manufacturing and process
industries and the cruise ship industry.                                      During the year, Roxtec continued to develop its digital offering with its
                                                                              own software (SaaS). The digital portfolio allows customers to design
   Geographically, 2023 was characterized by strong growth in North           and select the right products and, above all, to have control and an
America, while the recovery from the pandemic was significant in Asia.        overview of the transits. Today, the smart online tool Roxtec Transit
It was mainly these geographies that drove Roxtec’s business during           Designer helps more than 50,000 users rapidly make the right choice.
the year. In contrast, developments in Europe were slower as the
construction of cruise ships (Marine & Offshore) has still not regained          Roxtec sealing solutions also help customers prevent risks and
full speed. In Europe, Roxtec is seeing a growing market in the power         protect the environment. At the same time, Roxtec wants to take
supply segment (Power & Process Industries) in terms of transmission          its environmental responsibility and minimize its own greenhouse
and distribution of both electricity and gas. The wind power segment          gas emissions. In 2023 the company set clear environmental targets
also developed strongly. In Industry & Infrastructure, Roxtec sells           with the aim of being fully carbon neutral by 2045, the product
sealing solutions to the semiconductor industry and took some large           portfolio being 100 percent recyclable by 2030 and 100 percent of
orders during the year.                                                       manufacturing waste being recycled by 2030.

  “We have the right products for very advanced installations,” says            “Our environmental work has matured over a number of years of
Magnus Holmberg.                                                              focusing on doing the right things,” says Magnus Holmberg. The new
                                                                              targets help us to identify innovative solutions that also make us more
                                                                              profitable, since waste means a higher price tag.”


Roxtec is constantly planning for continued growth, and 2023                  Going forward, the strategy remains unchanged. Roxtec will attain new
was no exception. Among the major initiatives undertaken was a                volumes by developing products in both the traditional and the digital
strategic acquisition of Ronneby-based Shape’s waterjet cutting               business. 2023 was an intensive year of recruitment, with almost 80
business. The companies have worked together for many years and,              new employees joining the company. Even in 2024 and beyond, there
along with extrusion and molding, waterjet cutting of polymers is a           is a significant need to recruit around the world, with a particular
comprehensive and important manufacturing technology for Roxtec.              focus on IT, sales and marketing. Magnus Holmberg, sums things up as
The acquisition and new technical expertise enable further initiatives        follows:
in the development of manufacturing and technology. This is especially
true for low-volume manufacturing with short lead times of customized           “This year’s achievement was truly a team effort. Or as we tend to put
sealing solutions, which are important for Roxtec’s business.                 it: ‘We are all in sales’.”

   Roxtec also decided to invest in a new global distribution center at
its head office in Karlskrona. The company needs more space so that

                                                                                                                                                      Magnus Holmberg, CEO
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