P. 21
Business best way to build
trust and peace
Being successful in business internationally in 2023 requires both
knowledge and creativity. It’s important to be able to quickly familiarize
yourself with new regulations and adapt to new conditions – something
that Roxtec, with sales in 80 countries, has become very good at.
The fact that Roxtec now manufactures critical components in But the challenges are not only external to Sweden. They can also
Karlskrona is no coincidence. It’s simply not be found at home and require constant management. The number of
sustainable to have manufacturing operations in 28 countries. cyber attacks has skyrocketed and can be described as a low-intensity
Manufacturing needs to be coordinated. At the same time, Roxtec war aimed at disrupting countries’ industry and civil society.
faces new requirements if it wishes to operate in certain markets, and
the company needs to adapt to new conditions and regulations. These “Today we have three staff members solely dedicated to stopping the
may include new tariffs and local certificates to protect their own attacks,” says Magnus Holmberg. “To do business, we need tools and
industry, or requirements for local manufacturing or local inputs in technology that can sustain our operations.
products to operate in a specific country at all. Examples of this type of
protectionism can be found in several countries. As the world gears up for conflict, there is a growing demand for
military applications for naval defence, for example. At the same
“We at Roxtec like to do business, and the current tensions are time, demand from the energy sector is increasing as Europe seeks to
obstructing this in various ways,” says Magnus Holmberg, CEO replace Russian gas with other energy sources.” Roxtec used to have
of Roxtec. “Business builds trust and increases our tolerance – it subsidiaries in Russia, but immediately ceased operations after Russia
shouldn’t be a means of punishment, with tariffs and local taxes began its war of aggression against Ukraine.
and the imposition of local manufacturing. It goes against the entire
concept of free trade, and the customer is penalized through inferior “You can’t trade with countries at war. Business creates peace, but
products at a higher price.” business also requires peace to make it work.”