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Welcome to this
 year’s magazine!

   It’s time to sum up 2023. For the third year in a
row, we’re doing this with the help of Mellby Gård’s

  Annual Magazine. We can see that the magazine
  continues to provide a lot of reading pleasure. It
  gives all our employees and stakeholders a more
personal insight into Mellby Gård’s activities than

     you would get in a traditional annual report.

    The world continues to be impacted by wars, conflicts and
                                 unstable geopolitical relations. We can feel the ripple
                                 effects all the way up here in Sweden. We see this mainly
                       through inflation, higher interest rates and great uncertainty
                       about what to consume and what to invest in. We at Mellby Gård
                       are sticking to our owner philosophy and thus remaining stable in
                       these troubled times.
                       In this year’s magazine, geopolitics is an overarching theme.
                       With the current state of the world, we’re all seeing the impacts
                       of these tensions. But we should also take the opportunity to
                       celebrate. In 2023 it was ten years since Johan Andersson took
                       over as CEO of Mellby Gård from Rune Andersson. We would like
                       to recognize the successes of the past years, but also look ahead
                       to the years to come.
                       Finally, we at Mellby Gård would like to thank you for reading our
                       magazine. We’re delighted that you’re choosing to spend your
                       time with us and our companies. Happy reading!

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