P. 5


Steady progress with sights
set on further investments

     In 2023 it became clear that global politics would continue to be
   characterized by rapid change and complex challenges. Increased
tension between the major powers created a more unstable geopolitical

     situation. This has a major impact on how Mellby Gård and our
   companies do business. Despite this, 2023 was another record year.

Amore unstable world is affecting our trading relationships, and             kronor in net sales. Oscar Jacobson and Klarahill improved their
          we are witnessing greater volatility in almost all markets. In     earnings and Kappahl managed to achieve better earnings than in 2022.
          short, our international companies have needed to adapt to a       All admirable efforts that deserve to be recognized. You can read about
new reality. This has involved dealing with trade restrictions, investing    even more successes in the magazine.
in a local presence in different markets so as not to be excluded, and
complying with more regulations from the EU and elsewhere. We need              As we close the books for the year, we can conclude that 2023 will be
to be flexible, proactive and anticipate potential risks. At the same time,  another record year for Mellby Gård. We’re very proud of that. I want to
we need to seize opportunities as they arise to successfully navigate        thank our companies and employees for the hard work they do every
this ‘new’ environment, where free trade is no longer a given.               day – our success would not have been possible without you.

   As a group of companies, we at Mellby Gård endeavour to learn from           It’s been an eventful year, to say the least. Inflation, rising
each other and thus identify soft synergies between our companies.           commodity costs and interest rate hikes have fuelled uncertainty.
Within the Group, we have companies with extensive experience in             We hadn’t feared a dramatic fall in economic activity, but had
both international sales and global purchasing, which can thus benefit       instead expected a slow decline. Looking ahead, we predict that the
our other companies. In addition, we have so far been effective in           sluggish economic growth will continue. Consumption is likely to
making macroeconomic judgements. These are just a few examples of            decline as many people’s personal finances will be hit harder in 2024
how the diversity of our companies makes us strong together.                 when savings start to dry up. 2023 was a challenging year for many
                                                                             companies, but also a favourable year for industrial ones. The low value
   In retrospect, 2023 was a year in which many new opportunities            of the Swedish krona, combined with necessary price increases, has
arose and we chose to take advantage of these in the verticals in            resulted to a large extent in a financial situation on steroids.
which we operate. We faithfully continued to do what we do best
and invested further in our existing companies. One example is how              We are entering 2024 with a solid balance sheet. We expect to make
we chose to go over the mandatory bid limit when the share price of          major investments in the future to lay even firmer foundations for our
Duni fell. An investment of almost half a billion Swedish kronor made        companies to grow. Eriksberg is investing in more hotel rooms, we’re
Mellby Gård a 40-percent owner. We also chose to increase our holding        building new distribution centers close to Gothenburg for Kappahl and
in AcadeMedia. In addition, we have invested further in the FMG              in Karlskrona for Roxtec, and we will continue to assist Aros Kapital with
Circular Invest investment initiative and taken a leading position in the    growth capital, to name just a few examples. At the same time, we’re
immunotherapy company Anocca as a result of the company’s capital            factoring into the equation that some consumer companies will have
raising.                                                                     a harder time. With more sober valuations, it’s possible that we will be
                                                                             looking to invest in listed companies that suit our Group.
   In addition to investments in our prioritized verticals, we have thus
also invested in life science during the year. This includes Anocca and         Whatever happens, we always try to stay one step ahead. In the
our contribution to the cluster headache research center at Karolinska       coming years, I am convinced that AI will increasingly characterize the
Institutet medical university. For us, it is important to invest using       way we work and create efficient processes. Data is a prerequisite for
both heart and mind, and our social commitment through research,             both customer metrics and customer relationship management. We’re
education, sport, children and community affairs remains an essential        ready for the challenges ahead.
part of our business.
                                                                                Our goal is always to do better than the previous year.
   There are some successes among our companies that I would like            It will be difficult, but it’s not impossible.
to highlight. Roxtec broke the three billion-kronor barrier earlier than
expected, Feralco achieved record earnings, Peritusklinken signed a
contract with Region Skåne, and Open Air Group exceeded one billion

                                                                             Johan Andersson,
                                                                              CEO, Mellby Gård

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