P. 47
Diversification and successful
synergies enabled record net sales
Open Air Group is the group that creates better experiences in nature.
The Group is growing both through acquisitions and organically by
letting each brand ‘do what they do best’. This strategy has generated
net sales of a record one billion Swedish kronor this year.
The Open Air Group headed into 2023 with the goal of creating CONTINUED EFFORTS TO REDUCE CARBON FOOTPRINT
the best products and equipment for hunting, dogs or the
outdoors while being the leading e-commerce player. The For Open Air Group, it’s important that their products are manufactured
company focused during the year on trying to identify synergies in each with as little environmental impact as possible. For this reason,
division to minimize costs and develop better products. This work has the company is constantly working to improve its processes and
yielded good results for Open Air Group, which despite challenges in manufacturing from an environmental perspective. Last year, the Group
the retail division has secured a sales record. was admitted to the Science Based Targets initiative and has now been
able to start reviewing and acting on the results.
“As we summarize 2023, we can see that our strategy is working and
delivering the desired results,” says Camilo Sjödin, CEO of Open Air “It’s thanks to Science Based Tagets that we now understand the
Group. “We’re delighted that we’ve managed to grow given that we’re emissions we generate throughout our business chain,” says Camilo
in a recession. The reason is that our three verticals provide us with a Sjödin. “It also helps us understand how we can act to reduce these
diversified offering.” emissions.”
This year, Open Air Group saw increased growth in the Tech division, During the year, product companies have continued their work
following the successful integration of the platforms for the WeHunt to see how they can utilize the waste material produced in clothing
and Tracker hunting and tracking applications, and in the Brands manufacture. One example is the Aclima brand’s ReBorn product line.
division, in which the outdoor clothing brands Chevalier, Aclima and
Alaska are performing well. “The products are made from scraps of wool that are spun into
new yarn or woven into new fabric,” says Camilo Sjödin. “The new
“This favourable development is largely due to Aclima’s business-to- yarn or fabric is not dyed, but retains the colour it has acquired after
business operations,” says Camilo Sjödin. “This year saw the delivery spinning, making each garment unique. This means that no more water,
of a major contract, generating a positive contribution. Chevalier and chemicals or energy are used than necessary.”
Alaska have also experienced excellent growth in their direct-to-
consumer sales. However, we aren’t achieving the growth in the Retail Aclima’s ReBorn pullover won an award at the ISPO extreme sports
division that we’d hoped for.” fair for its innovative way of using waste wool without compromising on
quality and functionality.
Investments have also been made in the Aclima factory. A new and
At the end of 2022, a CEO for the Tech division was hired whose task it modern cutting machine will minimize waste fabric and make the
was to develop and establish greater synergies between the Group’s factory more resource-efficient.
more technically oriented brands such as WeHunt, Tracker and
UltraCom. “Greater collaboration between the brands required joint MANAGEMENT OF EXISTING COMPANIES
product development, which has yielded good results,” says Camilo
Sjödin. There is now greater uncertainty in the market for consumer products.
Several companies are struggling and valuations are falling, increasing
“We’re seeing a positive trend for the Tech division this year, both the chances of making interesting acquisitions. Open Air Group’s
financially and internally. Employee surveys indicate that the change goal is to grow through acquisitions, so the company is always on the
management process has been well received. Staff have shown great lookout for interesting prospects. No acquisitions were made in 2023 –
commitment, which has laid the foundations for building the common instead, the focus was mainly on the company’s own operations.
platform for WeHunt and Tracker that has provided a better user
experience and unified the brands.” “We’ll see if any acquisition opportunities arise in 2024,” says Camilo
Sjödin. “But in the near future, we’ll be focusing on generating further
Chevalier’s operations also moved into the Open Air Group success in the existing brands. That’s how we can ensure a strong
warehouse during the year. This is also where the e-commerce 2024.”
company Widforss operates. The aim has been to optimize and benefit
from the core activities and knowledge of the different companies. Camilo Sjödin, CEO
“For a product company like Chevalier, warehousing and logistics
solutions are not part of the core business like they are for Widforss,”
says Camilo Sjödin. “That’s why we bring together all the product
companies’ inventories at Widforss. We should help each other with
what we’re good at.”