Page 22 - PlanWorld 2019 EN demo
P. 22


              Image: Getty Images

             800 users, 1.3 million patients, 30 million images –
             one Planmeca Romexis  database

                    Copy Hanna Lipiäinen & Aleksandra Nyholm    DENTAL care generates enormous amounts of patient data
                    Images Marie Ullnert
                                                                both over time and across multiple locations. A case in point is
                                                                the public health care district of the Stockholm County Council
                                                                in Sweden, one of the largest health care providers in Europe
                                                                which serves approximately 2.3 million citizens spread over
                                                                26 municipalities. Today, it is also the single largest Planmeca
                    As the volumes of digital patient           Romexis customer, housing a centralised Romexis database with
                    data increase in dentistry, so              dental images accessed by close to 800 simultaneous users across
                    does the need for intelligent digital       the organisation.
                    solutions for image handling and            One database – millions of images
                    archiving. Planmeca’s uniquely              Planmeca has had a long history with the health care district of
                    comprehensive Planmeca                      the Stockholm County Council (or “Region Stockholm”), dating
                    Romexis  software platform                  all the way back to the 1990s and Planmeca Dimaxis™, the
                    can flexibly adapt to the imaging           imaging software platform that was to pave the way for Romexis.
                                                                Since then, the district’s nearly one hundred databases for patient
                    and diagnostic needs of clinics of          images have been successfully migrated into a single centralised
                    any size – as evidenced by two              database – a completely unique solution enabled only by
                    textbook examples from Sweden.              Planmeca Romexis.
                                                                  The council’s experience with Planmeca Dimaxis
                                                                made introducing the centralised Romexis database fairly
                                                                straightforward. Today, the single server contains more than
                                                                30 million images from the district’s 1.3 million dental patients,
                                                                adding up to several terabytes of patient information. All efficiently
                                                                in one Romexis database.

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