Page 27 - PlanWorld 2019 EN demo
P. 27
Valuable insights through data analytics From “digital dentistry” to “data-driven dentistry”
IoT-ready devices capable of producing and transmitting big There have been a number of innovations which have changed the
data provide visibility into the treatment session which is course of dentistry. One major shift in the industry was the move
essential to evaluating all aspects of your clinic. The sooner you towards digital dental technology, which led to the development
bring in the right technology, the more data you’ll have at your of such concepts as same-day restorations and the paperless dental
disposal. However, in order to get the most out of this enormous office. The emergence of analytics solutions for dental clinics is a clear
amount of available data, it must be harnessed into informa- sign that we are now in the middle of another shift, towards an era of
tion in a way that is intelligent, centralised and automated. “data-driven dentistry”.
The explosion of data in recent years has already led data Today, analytics services such as Planmeca Romexis Insights can
analytics to become commonplace in fields such as marketing, produce comprehensive and relevant information about patient times,
modern education and business intelligence. In medicine, equipment usage and productivity, from the first appointment to the
operating room analytics enables keeping track of e.g. case and final check-up. Analytics helps make comparisons and pinpoint best
procedure volumes, OR utilisation and scheduling efficiency. practices both over time and across clinical procedures. This, in turn,
Now, dentistry is also following suit. In 2017, Planmeca was can guide the entire dental team towards higher productivity, better
the first manufacturer of dental equipment to launch a outcomes and happier patients through continuous learning and
comprehensive IoT solution for dental clinics with Planmeca self-improvement.
Romexis® Insights. Tomorrow, we may see data analytics taken even further, through
Planmeca Romexis Insights is a web-based analytics service e.g. highly personalised treatments informed by enormous amounts
which combines data from Planmeca dental units, imaging of consolidated patient, performance and quality assurance data.
devices and milling units to generate clear visualisations of Combining data with artificial intelligence is likely to offer still more
equipment usage, device status and patient flows. From smaller possibilities for the future – some of which are already being explored
clinics to larger clinic chains, the informative reports and by Planmeca R&D.
interactive views enable identifying trends, patterns and areas of So what is the next “future of dentistry”? In such an ever-moving
optimisation in order to maximise clinic efficiency. As the name field, the possibilities are unlimited. If there is one thing which does
says, it’s about gaining insights into how your dental practice is seem clear, however, it is this: the future of dentistry will be driven
doing – anywhere, any time. by data. ◢