Page 10 - SKR-annual-report-2022-EN
P. 10




    The Finnish Cultural Foundation has created new forms of funding to
     support the translation of world literature and drama into Finnish.

L ess and less high-quality contemporary                The translations facilitated by the funding
           literature from around the world is      include a retranslation of the Belarusian author
           published in Finnish. Relatively many    Svetlana Alexievich’s novel Cinkovye malchiki
           translations are made of English-        (Zinky Boys). Nobel laureate Alexievich is one of
 language works but very few translations of        the leading lights of the opposition movement in
 works in other languages. The same applies to      Belarus, who is currently exiled in Berlin.
 the world of drama. Hardly any recent dramatic
 works from continental Europe or elsewhere in          Also receiving the funding is the Finnish
 the world are performed in Finnish theatres.       translation of La Malnata by the Italian author
                                                    Beatrice Salvioni, which is scheduled to appear
     During 2022, the Foundation awarded its        in the spring of 2023 at the same time as the
 first grants to publishers for translating high-   Italian original. Lovers of French literature will
 quality world literature and kicked off the World  be able to enjoy Emmanuel Carrère’s novel
 on Stage grants, which aim at having thirty        Yoga and Prix Goncourt winner Hervé Le
 interesting plays of our time translated and       Tellier’s L’Anomalie in Finnish by spring 2023.
 performed in Finland. The total to be awarded
 in grants for these purposes in the next couple        “The objective of the Translating World
 of years will exceed EUR 2 million.                Literature grants is to allow the Finnish culture-
                                                    loving public more opportunities to access high-
     The first Translating World Literature         quality world literature in their mother tongue,”
 grants were awarded in May 2022. The grants        explains Juhana Lassila, Director of Grants
 provide funding amounting to EUR 102,000 for       and Cultural Affairs at the Foundation.
 a total of 14 works of literature.
                                                        “In future application rounds, we would
 The aim of this grant is to allow publishers to    be interested in receiving more applications
 commission and publish Finnish translations of     related to contemporary African and Asian
 contemporary masterpieces of world literature.     works, among others. Many fine works by Nobel
 The works to be translated may consist of prose,   laureates and other older writings by classic
 poetry or essays directed at adult readers.

     Nearly fifty applications were received from
 more than 20 publishing houses.

     “We were pleasantly surprised by the
 number of applications and by the fact that,
 geographically, the works reached across the
 world from South America to Japan,” says
 author Karo Hämäläinen, a member of the
 Cultural Foundation’s Board of Trustees.
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