Page 30 - SKR-annual-report-2022-EN
P. 30


Modest losses
in difficult times

World events are creating uncertainty, but the Finnish Cultural Foundation’s
operations are secured even in weaker economic times.

          ccelerating inflation, the       There were EUR 17.1 million in capital          of donations for distribution includes
            energy crisis caused by the    gains from the sale of assets, of               EUR 6.1 million in funds earmarked
             war in Ukraine, and tight-    which EUR 4.0 million were directed             for the New Classics fund, which the
                                           towards strengthening the founda-               Government of Finland, the Swedish
ening monetary policy generated a          tion’s working capital. The sum went            Cultural Foundation in Finland, the
negative environment for all asset         to the general funds of the Cultural            Alfred Kordelin Foundation, and the
classes in the past year. At the end of    Foundation’s regional funds. Account-           Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation
the operating year, the fair value of the  ing for capital gains, the Foundation’s         transferred to the Finnish Cultural
Finnish Cultural Foundation’s assets       income from investments and received            Foundation for separate management.
was EUR 1.806 billion, of which invest-    donations for distribution exceeded             During the financial year, 11 donor
ment assets accounted for EUR 1.624        the payment of grants and expenses              funds were established, five of them
billion. The return on the investment      from other statutory operations by              under the Cultural Foundation’s
portfolio during the period was −5.9%,     EUR 20.6 million.                               central fund and six under its regional
compared to the benchmark return                                                           funds. As of 30 September 2022, the
of −8.6%. Diversification into unlisted        A total of EUR 17.6 million was             Foundation was managing 890 funds.
investments compensated for the weak       received in donations and bequests, of
development of listed investments.         which EUR 10.8 million were capital             The major challenges for the period
                                           donations and EUR 0.7 million were              under review were accelerating
    The accounts show a surplus for        for distribution. Additionally, the sum
the financial year of EUR 6.4 million.

Net investment income                                   Net investment income

          2021–2022 %                                         2018–2022, MEUR

                                                                52.3 54.7


                                                                    14.3 21.2

                                                  6.9 3.3 20.7

                                                                                    8.8 12.5

                                                  8.8                               3.9 10.4 8.3           4.2
                                                  3.2                                                 3.0


                                                  20.6                               22.1   20.9   19.7     25.8 -0.2

                                                  2018                              2019   2020   2021     2022

    ● Dividends from domestic equities 41%        ● ●Dividends from domestic equities Rents from premises
         ● Rents from premises 6%                      ● ●Dividends from foreign funds Interests
                                                        ● Other investment income and expenses
● ●Dividends from foreign funds 20% Interests 0%
  ● Other investment income and expenses 33%
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