Page 51 - DFB-2023-Annual-Report-Low-Res
P. 51


 In 2023, the Heritage Project continued and DFB            managing fire risk to heritage places, while heritage
Fire Prevention & Community Fire Safety Section             professionals would be able to better understand the
continued to work in collaboration with Fingal County       fire risk and probable impacts on heritage.
Council and Shannon Heritage focusing on developing
solutions for fire risk mitigation in heritage properties.  The project enabled all to enhance their knowledge
                                                            and skills for managing fire risk to heritage places and
The case study chosen for the project was Newbridge         better understand the fire risk and probable impacts
House and Demesne, Donabate. The aim of the project         on heritage.
was for firefighting personnel and risk reduction
specialists to enhance their knowledge and skills for


DFB supports DCC in the response to the Housing             in excess 200 emergency homeless hostel across
Crisis and provide fire safety advice to ensure fire        Dublin. We are currently monitoring 217 services in
safety standards in the buildings used to provide           total including 93 Services provided by Private Parties,
emergency accommodation for the homeless.                   116 Services provided by Charitable organisations
                                                            and 8 self- accommodation.
We work closely with Dublin Regional Homeless
Executive DRHE to provide advice to the operators of        We risk assess each case and provide technical
emergency homeless hostels. This service is provided        advice. We carry out inspections and engage
by both the Private and Voluntary sector.                   with stakeholders and their technical advisors. In
                                                            many cases a regularisation Fire Safety Certificate
In the past number of years, the number of buildings        application is required. We have used our enforcement
being used to provide this service has increased to         powers as appropriate.

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