Page 46 - DFB-2023-Annual-Report-Low-Res
P. 46

            FIRE SAFETY 2023
Providing advice to help people stay safe from the     and used our social media platforms to promote our
danger of fire is the focus for our Fire Prevention    advice.
& Community Fire Safety section, we use every
opportunity to engage with the community in order      Together, we produced messages and tweets on the
to spread the fire safety message. Our aim to help     following topics;-
people stay safe form fire in their homes to protect   •	 Fire doors and their correct use
their business.                                        •	 Safe use of BBQ, gas
                                                       •	 Fire risks associated with candles
In 2023 we again built on our engagement with          •	 Fire risks in the kitchen
stakeholders and development of partnerships. We       •	 Advice to close all doors at night
have reached into communities across the Dublin        •	 Safety advice on electrics
region to advise and provide helpful fire safety       •	 Working smoke detector saves lives
information. We attended a number of community         •	 Have an escape plan and concerns over old
events in each of the local authorities and where
not possible to attend we supported the community            persons and fire.
groups and our operation full-time or retained         •	 Advice to not block fire escape routes [In
colleagues in their efforts.
                                                             particular to businesses such as shops]
                                                       •	 E-scooter fire safety

Fire Prevention again worked closely with our          Recently, following a small number of fires, advice
colleagues in DFB’s Communications Unit promoting      has been provided on the safe use and charging of
our fire safety message on all our social media        Lithium–ion batteries that are used for E-scooters
platforms as well as in printed media and on radio.    and E-bikes.
We maintained delivering a consistent message i.e.
#TestitTuesday                                         Information has been distributed on all our social
                                                       media channels and also on the DCC website, this
We responded to information received in the            can be accessed here E-Scooters, E-Cycles and
aftermath of fires, as appropriate, to promote safety  Hoverboards | Dublin City Council.

46                                                     Bhriogáid Dóiteáin Bhaile Átha Cliath DUBLIN FIRE BRIGADE
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