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                                                           Christin & Dan Olofsson | DANIR 2023

    Project Kaxås.                                         normal conservation work for the various species
                                                           in the reserve, there is a constant battle against
    hunting, and a calm and safe environment close to a    poachers.
    preschool and school. And in doing so, has managed
    to reverse a negative spiral and revitalise an entire     “There are around 20,000 rhinos in South Africa,
    area. An area that offers a great quality of life and  and over 1,000 are killed by poachers every year,
    high natural value.                                    so numerous measures are implemented to protect
                                                           them,” says Dan about wildlife conservation in
    NATURE'S SIGNIFICANCE MUST BE                          Thanda Game Reserve. An area where wild animals
    TAKEN SERIOUSLY                                        get a chance to live as they always have.
    Nature is something that Dan and Christin are pas-
    sionate about and, together with various companies        They dedicate a lot of resources to wildlife protec-
    within the group, they have initiated several nature   tion, including by employing more than 35 guards.
    and wildlife conservation projects.                    And their diligent work is paying off – the latest
                                                           figures show that the rhino population is increasing.
       Their latest conservation initiative can be found   Which is very pleasing.
    off the coast of Tanzania. This is where Thanda
    Island is located, which is one of Thanda Group’s         Dan and Christin are asked if they have any advice
    five-star establishments. In the area around the       for those wanting to take on greater responsibility.
    island, they have formed a marine nature reserve to    Both believe it is better that many people contribute
    protect and restore the corals after many years of     a little than only a few doing all the heavy lifting.
    abuse by dynamite fishing, and to provide shelter to
    sea turtles that nest on the islands in the area.         “Every person has an environment where they see
                                                           needs of some kind,” says Dan. “And that’s where
       In another important project, they have worked      you can do something. You will enrich your life and
    intensively for several years with the conservation    you will feel that you are doing something meaning-
    and protection of rhinos in the nature reserve in      ful for someone else.”
    which Thanda Safari Lodge is located. In addition to
                                                              “Small things are not to be underestimated,” says
                                                           Christin. “It doesn’t have to be a big project – small
                                                           things can have a very big impact.”

                                                              Our conversation oscillates between care and
                                                           consideration for colleagues and customers to social
                                                           responsibility at both ends of Sweden, for nature,
                                                           for other people, and to prevent exclusion. It is
                                                           clear that the Olofssons are devoted, involved and
                                                           committed to these issues. For them, everything is
                                                           connected, and you can instantly recognise their
                                                           desire and hope for a society where we care about
                                                           each other a little more. A society where all of us –
                                                           citizens, entrepreneurs and society in general – work
                                                           together and show a little more care for each other.
                                                           It could be opening your home to someone during
                                                           a holiday, or starting a marine nature reserve. And
                                                           everything in between.

                                                                                Scan the QR code and
                                                                                see more of Christin and
                                                                                Dan at
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