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Our involvement | DANIR 2023


    Expect a Better Tomorrow Foundation

    Each year, the Expect a Better Tomorrow Founda-         with most basic hygiene products. While the need
    tion launches an initiative to highlight a problem      exists, the products do not, nor does the money.
    or injustice with the intention of contributing to a    The lack of these necessities has serious conse-
    better tomorrow: for someone, for some, or for all.     quences in the form of disease and, sometimes,
                                                            even death.
       This year’s initiative, Sparks & Spender, addresses
    the ludicrous situation of some people being faced         Sparks & Spender intends to create aware-
    with a million choices, while others have none          ness of these deficiencies and the challenges
    of the basic necessities. While many people can         facing young South Africans. All funds raised by
    choose between a soft or medium, purple or green        this year’s initiative go directly to Star for Life,
    toothbrush and toothpaste with this or that “super      a non-profit organisation working to empower
    function”, children and youths in South Africa have     children and youth in southern Africa.
    nothing at all to choose from. And this is the case

    Swedes for Ukraine                                      Linköping, Oksana, who fled Kharkiv for Viken near
                                                            Helsingborg, and Olesya, who travelled from Kryvyy
    In late February 2022, with thousands of Ukrainians     Rih in southern Ukraine to Lund.
    fleeing the war, a quick decision was taken to help.
    Launched only a month after the outbreak of war,           Over 700 Ukrainian refugees have found accom-
    Swedes for Ukraine is a website that connected          modation with Swedish families through this initi-
    hosts with available accommodation in Sweden, and       ative since the war began. Swedes for Ukraine has
    volunteers able to offer support in some other way,     also provided vital assistance and support to many
    with Ukrainian refugees.                                Ukrainians in their new day-to-day lives in Sweden.
       The platform also contains real-life testimonies
    from Ukrainians, including the stories of Julia,
    whose journey began in Mariupol and took her to
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