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DANIR 2023 | Our additional holdings



                                      We put elite athletes
                                          in a new light.

BrainLit develops lighting solutions that contribute      bacteria, viruses, and other harmful organisms
to better health. Biocentric lighting was developed       in both the air and on surfaces. This innovative
in Lund and the first patent was registered back in       technology disinfects an environment fully auto-
2012. We recently received a patent approval for          matically and very effectively, without the need for
our method of generating lighting recipes based on        manual intervention.
biological data.
                                                             Our lighting can now be found in the locker rooms
   As of 2023, we are discussing partnerships with        and gyms of several elite European football and ice
several large multinational companies looking to          hockey clubs. During the year, we were nominated
include Biocentric lighting in their products. During     for industry awards by Build Back Better for both
the year, we have also seen significant progress in       our Biocentric light and UVEN.
establishing a standard for circadian lighting. By the
end of the year, requirements relating to healthy            Elite sports teams in the American market have
light will be added to the ISO standard for indoor        also ordered our products. We are now in the locker
light, ISO 8995-1. This means that the lighting           room of the Sacramento Kings, who became our first
market will gradually move from static lighting to        reference customer in the NBA. Highly gratifying
circadian lighting.                                       feedback from various coaches shows that the qual-
                                                          ity of athletes’ sleep has increased by about 15% on
   Our collaboration with UL and Good Light Group,        average, an increase that has translated into positive
along with increased understanding and demand for         results in games.
biocentric lighting, are signs that the healthy lighting
market is on the verge of a real breakthrough, proba-         Our quotation book is being filled at a good pace,
bly as early as 2024.                                     and we have several tenders awaiting a decision in
                                                          Q4, which will get 2024 off to a flying start.
   Our disinfectant product UVEN has been fully
certified and production is underway. With the            WEB
UV-C light from UVEN, we can effectively neutralise
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