Page 63 - Danir_Arsbok_2021_ENG
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61                                                        Our involvement | DANIR 2021

    The Expect a Better
    Tomorrow Foundation

    This year’s Expect a Better Tomorrow initiative is    be highlighted. Femmegineering shines a spotlight
    Femmegineering, the aim of which is to get more       on these women and allows them to share their
    women to choose to pursue a technical education.      experiences with women who are studying to join
    Tech companies and the technology industry are        these professions or who are faced with a decision
    screaming for engineers and technological experts,    about which education path to follow. The initiative
    especially female ones. Of those who apply for        also aims to demonstrate the endless career opportu-
    engineering programs at technical colleges or         nities that exist in the engineering profession. As
    universities, only 25% are women. Femmegineering      an engineer, you can work in almost any industry.
    aims to raise that number and get more women to       Everyone needs problem solvers. And if you are a
    choose to pursue a technical education. And to make   woman and an engineer, you are a commodity in
    the engineering profession a natural career path for  short supply with many options and job offers.
    women as well as men. To succeed, more female role
    models in technical and engineering professions must

                                                          Hugos stiftelse
                                                          & Glädjeruset

                                                          The Hugos Stiftelse foundation raises money to
                                                          support associations and organisations that work to
                                                          ensure an active life and better health for children
                                                          and young people with disabilities. Among other
                                                          things, funds are raised by organising the Glädjeruset
                                                          race, in which everyone is welcome to participate in
                                                          whatever way their personal circumstances allow.

                                                            Just like last year, the pandemic stopped us from
                                                          arranging the race live and in-person, so in 2021
                                                          the race was again held virtually. Participants could
                                                          join the race wherever and whenever they wanted,
                                                          from 22 August-22 September. Over 1,600 people
                                                          walked, rolled or ran the race, helping to raise
                                                          money for the foundation!

                                                            This year’s recipients of scholarships from
                                                          Hugos Stiftelse include the Lunk i kring riding club,
                                                          Handboll för alla [Handball for Everyone] in Alingsås,
                                                          and Kiruna Handikappidrottsförening, a sports
                                                          association for persons with disabilities.
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